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Book History
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Joseph Crawhall Archives

  • JCII
  • Archive Collection
  • 1669 - 2007

Consists of: Professional and personal letters, both to and from Joseph Crawhall II. Pencil, ink and watercolour sketches created by Joseph Crawhall II, some including annotations. Various printed ephemera from a variety of authors. Various leaflets, notifications, invitations, cards and reciepts relating to Joseph Crawhall II. A collection of woodblock pulls from a selection of original woodblocks created by Joseph Crawhall II. Letters and sketches relating to George Edward Crawhall, brother of Joseph Crawhall II. A genealogical scrapbook relating to the Crawhall family.

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts

Rare Books

  • RB
  • Book Collection
  • 1541 - 2003

The Rare Books collection is miscellaneous but literature and local history are two of the collections strengths. Items date from the mid-Sixteenth Century to the present day (facsimile of The Arundel Choirbook, 2003). Particularly notable items include a German propaganda sheet which was dropped on England in 1940: Adolf Hitler, A last appeal to reason; Edward Jenner's Inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolæ vaccinæ (1798); various works by Charles Dickens which remain in their original serialised parts, complete with paper wrappers; herbals by Elizabeth Blackwell (1739) and Nicholas Culpepper (1802); a volume of printed ephemera, broadsides, posters and cartoons referring to elections in Northumberland, Newcastle and Tyneside divisions, including cartoons of Joseph Cowen (1826-1931) as well as some English Revolution (or Civil War) tracts and the manuscript Design no. 11 - Plans, specifications and estimates for building a chapel in the township of St. John, Newcastle upon Tyne by John Dobson (1840).

Newcastle University Library

Friends Collection

  • Friends
  • Book Collection
  • 1585 - 1988

The Friends Collection has been built-up through purchases with funds from the Friends of the Library. It contains such rare books as Robert Boyle's Tracts: containing I. Suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air … (1674), J. Dryden's Albion and Albanius (1691), Some considerations on the consequences of the French settling colonies on the Mississippi: with respect to the trade and safety of the English plantations in America and the West-Indies (1720), various pamphlets by Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke, Newcastle songsters and other local material such as Report of the Orphan-House Sunday-School, Newcastle upon Tyne (1815-16). English literature is a particular strength of the collection.

Friends of Newcastle University Library, 1955-

Crawhall (Joseph II) Collection

  • Crawhall
  • Book Collection
  • 1864 - 1972

The Crawhall Collection is a wonderfully-diverse and visual collection of material by and relating to local businessman, artist and patron of the arts, Joseph Crawhall II (1821-1896). The published book portion of this collection comprises of 23 volumes and includes chapbooks, such as Olde ffrendes with newe faces (1883), A Jubilee Thought (1887) and Old Aunt Elspa's ABC [1884].

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts

19th Century Collection

  • 19th C. Coll
  • Book Collection
  • 1800 - 1899

The 19th Century Collection of books published 1800-1899, is broad in subject coverage but English literature is well-represented with works by such authors as R. Browning, A. Tennyson, D.G. Rossetti, C. Dickens, G. Crabbe, C.A. Swinburne, G. Meredith, R. Kipling and G. Eliot in the collection, as well as works by some lesser-known nineteenth-century writers and some nineteenth-century editions of earlier works.The collection includes first editions of Lewis Carroll's last novel for children, Sylvia and Bruno (1899), and of The Hunting of the Snark (1876). There is also local history material, such as local auction catalogues and C. Hindley's The history of the Catnach Press: at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London (1887) and some general history, natural history, travel accounts and nineteenth-century editions of Ancient Greek and Latin classical works.

Newcastle University

Bell (John and Thomas) Archive

  • JTB
  • Archive Collection
  • 1780 - 1850

This is a collection of material brought together by, or relating to, local nineteenth century collectors John and Thomas Bell. There are four boxes relating to the local book trade, seven more relating to the Port of Tyne, and forty packets of cuttings, correspondence and other miscellaneous items which are useful for local history.

Bell, John, 1783-1864, Antiquary and Land Surveyor

18th Century Collection

  • 18th C. Coll
  • Book Collection
  • 1700 - 1799

The 18th Century Collection contains approximately 4000 volumes printed 1700-1799. The collection covers a variety of subjects including aspects of the penal system, education and the constitution. Highlights include the famous treatise by the English philosopher and enlightenment thinker John Locke, Some thoughts concerning education ( 1772) in which Locke applies his theories of the self and the mind to approaches to education and The state of the prisons in England and Wales: with preliminary observations and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals (1784) by the English philanthropist and prison reformer John Howard, detailing his findings after visiting several hundred prisons across England, Scotland and Wales, in a series of reports, maps and plans.

Newcastle University


  • PI
  • Book Collection
  • 1502 - 1701

The Post-incunabula collection does not strictly comply with the prescribed date range which often defines 'post-incunabula' but does contain English and foreign books printed 1501-1640. It includes works by John Stow, John Speed, Torquato Tasso and William Tynedale, as well as Robert Burton's The anatomy of melancholy, 4th ed. (1632), Holinshed's Chronicles (1587), Reginald Scot's The discouerie of witchcraft (1584), Palladio's architectural work I qvattro libri dell'architettvra (1581), Edmund Spenser's The faerie queene (1590-96) and Thomas Heywood's The hierarchie of the blessed angells (1635).

Newcastle University Library


  • Inc.
  • Book Collection
  • 1488 - 1701

This small collection comprises books which were produced in the infancy of the art of printing, and specifically before 1500. The collection includes such works as the Epistolae of St. Jerome, printed in Palma in 1480, Opus de peste, a tract on plague printed in Bologna in 1478, and the first printed book on architecture, Alberti's De Re Aedificatoria (1485).

Newcastle University

17th Century Collection

  • 17th C. Coll
  • Book Collection
  • 1600 - 1699

The 17th Century Collection is a small but expanding collection of books printed 1600-1699. The books it contains are a good reflection of this period as a time of rebellions, intrigues and conspiracies; hierarchical power; and strong religious views. Sermons and speeches were commonly printed.

Newcastle University