Letters from GOT to H A Bruce on Tweed Fisheries Act: Licensing Bill (1872)
- GOT/8/2
- File
- 1869-1872
Part of Trevelyan (George Otto) Archive
Includes reference to temperance and the Liquor Licensing Bill
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Letters from GOT to H A Bruce on Tweed Fisheries Act: Licensing Bill (1872)
Part of Trevelyan (George Otto) Archive
Includes reference to temperance and the Liquor Licensing Bill
Report in "Alliance News" of speech on temperance by GOT
Part of Trevelyan (George Otto) Archive
Reporting GOT's speech in Commons debate on Sir H Selwin Ibbotson's "Spirituous Liquor (Retail) Bill"
Trevelyan (Walter Calverley) Archive
The archive comprises mainly correspondence addressed to Sir Walter and his first wife Pauline Lady Trevelyan nee Paulina Jermyn. The letters reflect the couple's interests in natural history, botany, geology, antiquities, travel, temperance, phrenology, ... Read more
Trevelyan, Lady Pauline, 1816-1866, nee Jermyn