Papers primarily relate to Wilcox's time in Germany and Russian and mainly consist of typescripts (some annotated/edited) and offprints of articles published in contemporary journals. These include, for example, versions of a series of articles on ... Read more
Papers primarily relate to Wilcox's time in Germany and Russian and mainly consist of typescripts (some annotated/edited) and offprints of articles published in contemporary journals. These include, for example, versions of a series of articles on Kerensky and Korniloff from the Fortnightly Review (September 1918-January 1919) and the subject's response. There is also a large collection of foreign-language articles and pamphlets (some by Wilcox), including B.V. Savinkov's Za rodinu i svobodu (Warsaw, 1920). Also included is a series of typed primary sources (speeches/statements), primarily relating to the Kerensku-Korniloff affair. There is some correspondence, most significantly a series of letters from Edmund Clerihew Bentley written from the Daily News and, later, the Daily Telegraph (1908-1923). Bentley was a journalist, author of Trent's Last Case, and inventor of the clerihew poem, and remained in contact with Wilcox for many years, although there are no extant letters later than 1923. Also included are a number of letters from Irene Ward, MP, and a small collection of family correspondence. Papers also include collections relating to Wilcox's personal and family life. These include a large collection of photographs, a small collection of articles and pamphlets in areas of interest and bills and receipts relating to the last years of Wilcox's life in Newcastle upon Tyne.
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