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2 Archival description results for Radiotherapy

Only results directly related

Video Podcast of On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2006

Podcasts produced in conjunction with the publication of Sir Liam's 2006 Annual Report. Consists of 6 episodes covering chapters within the annual report.

Episode 1: On the State of the Public Health (introduction) 02:45

Episode 2: Healthcare Associated Infection; Strengthening the Public Hand 02:12

Episode 3: Organ Transplants - The Waiting Game 02:21

Episode 4: Radiotherapy; Hidden Dangers 02:14

Episode 5: Intrapartum related deaths; 500 missed opportunities 02:14

Episode 6: Women in Medicine; Opportunity Blocks 02:09

On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2006

Health issues covered in this report include;

Progress on previous years' recommendations;

The role of hand hygiene in controlling healthcare-associated infection;

Maximising opportunities for organ transplants;

Understanding and addrssing the risk in radiotherapy;

The need for renewed action on the high number of intrapartum-related deaths;

And fulfilling the potential of women in medicine.

Also included is a regional focus on some local problems, trends and initiatives across England.