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Live Theatre Archive

  • LV
  • Archive Collection
  • c. 1970 - 2018

Papers of Max Roberts Creative Director of Live Theatre from 1986 to 2017 include his personal collection of Live Theatre documents including play scripts, photographs, correspondence, papers related to the grow and development of the Theatre at their Quayside location, as well as a substantial collection of leaflets and posters from Live Theatre performances.

Live Theatre

Northern Stage Archive

  • NS
  • Archive Collection
  • 1969 - 2015

Includes material relating to the marketing, governance and individual performances of Northern Stage.

Northern Stage

Joseph Crawhall Archives

  • JCII
  • Archive Collection
  • 1669 - 2007

Consists of: Professional and personal letters, both to and from Joseph Crawhall II. Pencil, ink and watercolour sketches created by Joseph Crawhall II, some including annotations. Various printed ephemera from a variety of authors. Various leaflets, notifications, invitations, cards and reciepts relating to Joseph Crawhall II. A collection of woodblock pulls from a selection of original woodblocks created by Joseph Crawhall II. Letters and sketches relating to George Edward Crawhall, brother of Joseph Crawhall II. A genealogical scrapbook relating to the Crawhall family.

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts

Evetts (Leonard) Archive

  • LE
  • Archive Collection
  • 1909 - 1997 (approx)

Leonard Charles Evetts (1909-1997) was a designer and artist, and the Head of Design at Kings College Newcastle between 1963-1974 (now Newcastle University). Evetts is known primarily for working in stained glass, calligraphy and watercolour, although the full range of his design work was extensive, and included various more unusal commissions from milk cartons to ceremonial ornaments. His contribution to building and artefact conservation was also significant and within this remit he was Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Care of Churches, between 1972-81, and a member of Newcastle Diocesan Advisory Committee (on new installations and additions) for over fifty years. Over four hundred examples of his stained glass work exist in Britain, including his most ambitious work at St Nicholas, Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland comprising of forty-six individual windows.

This archive of Leonard Evetts' work, kindly transferred to Newcastle University Library by his widow in 2016, comprises largely of his commission project files. These files are of great research value, containing large scale colour designs as well as sketches and commission correspondence. They span hundreds of commissions which include paintings, the design and restoration of armorials, the design of ceremonial and religious objects, and the design and execution of over 300 stained glass windows in both religious and secular settings.

In addition, the collection also includes a smaller representation of other aspects of Leonard Evetts' work including some watercolours, lettering studies and some personal family items.

Evetts, Leonard Charles, 1909 - 1997, Designer and Artist.

Bradshaw-Bewick Collection

  • Bradshaw-Berwick
  • Book Collection
  • 1760 - 1978

The Bradshaw-Bewick Collection contains works by and relating to the engraver Thomas Bewick (1753-1828). Bewick was born at Cherryburn, near Mickley, Northumberland and his early interest in drawing, under the tuition of the Reverend C. Gregson, was later developed when he was apprenticed under the Newcastle engraver, Ralph Beilby. He was to become a master craftsman.Bewick had a particular fascination with the natural world and this is reflected in works such as A general history of quadrupeds (1790) and History of British birds (1797). The collection is strong in Bewick's other main area of interest - morals and fables. His Select fables (1784) was immediately popular and ran into several editions but he worked on many small moral instruction books, such as Youth's instructive and entertaining story-teller (1778) and The looking-glass for the mind (1792).

Newcastle University

Barlow (David) Archives

  • DB
  • Archive Collection
  • 1944 - 1975

This collection comprises a large number of the musical manuscripts of the twentieth-century British composer David Barlow (1927-1975), formerly a lecturer in the Department of Music at Newcastle University, although it is not a complete collection of his works. The material comprises over 100 items which cover the musical genres of orchestral, opera, choral, songs, solo works, instrumental and chamber music, although some of the scores are incomplete. Barlow's musical influences included biblical and literary interests and the collection includes his church operas David and Bathsheba and Judas Iscariot as well as his children's opera The Selfish Giant. The collection also contains copies of many of Barlow's important works which are held at the British Music Information Centre, as well as some early manuscripts (mainly short works and sketches) and copies of recordings of Barlow's music and interviews, held on ten reel-to-reel tapes at present.

Barlow, David, 1927-1975, British composer.

Crawhall (Joseph II) Collection

  • Crawhall
  • Book Collection
  • 1864 - 1972

The Crawhall Collection is a wonderfully-diverse and visual collection of material by and relating to local businessman, artist and patron of the arts, Joseph Crawhall II (1821-1896). The published book portion of this collection comprises of 23 volumes and includes chapbooks, such as Olde ffrendes with newe faces (1883), A Jubilee Thought (1887) and Old Aunt Elspa's ABC [1884].

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts

Trevelyan (Walter Calverley) Archive

  • WCT
  • Archive Collection
  • 1763 - 1951, bulk 1800 - 1879

The archive comprises mainly correspondence addressed to Sir Walter and his first wife Pauline Lady Trevelyan nee Paulina Jermyn. The letters reflect the couple's interests in natural history, botany, geology, antiquities, travel, temperance, phrenology, art and literature, and include examples from many well known contemporaries.

There is also material relating to the history of the Trevelyan family, accumulated during Walter and Charles Edward Trevelyan's preparation of 'The Trevelyan Papers' for publication.

The archive also features diaries and journals, sketchbooks, notes for speeches and scrapbooks. There is material relating to the North East of England, including proposed railways, Tyne crossings at Hexham and decoration of the Great Hall at Wallington.

Trevelyan, Lady Pauline, 1816-1866, nee Jermyn

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild Archive

  • NHG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1900 - 1947

The Northumberland Handicrafts Guild was formed at a meeting held on 9th June 1900 and its aim was to promote the study of handicrafts in the County of Northumberland. There was a particular emphasis on embroidery, woodwork, basket work, leather work and weaving. Prominent members of the committee include Thomas Edward Hodgkin, Richard George Hatton, Ella Pease and Miss Noble.

This archive comprises of the annual reports of the organisation 1900 - 1936, together with a small collection of other constitutional and committee records. The collection includes also accounting material for the period 1930 - 1947 and press cuttings related to the activities of the Guild. Part of the archive is dedicated to mementos and the embroidery work of Margaret Scott, a member of the Guild in the early 1900s.

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild

Stanford (Charles Villiers) Archive

  • CVS
  • Archive Collection
  • 1873 - 1923

The Stanford Collection comprises the musical manuscripts (published and otherwise) of Irish composer Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) and was brought together by Dr. Frederick Hudson, at one time a member of staff in the Department of Music.The collection, representing approximately seventy-five percent of Stanford's output (symphonies, operas, chamber, concerto, piano and organ works, church music and choral works), includes autograph manuscripts and photocopies of autographs, as well as transcripts of Stanford's letters to The Times, essays and articles. For many years organists in Canada and England were of the opinion that there were no brass or percussion parts for St. Patrick's Breastplate but the score proves that there were!

Hudson, Dr Frederick, fl.1952-1987.

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