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Administration and Management

Consists of documents relating to the management of Bloodaxe Books. This includes property information because of the small amount of material accrued relating to the Bloodaxe Books premises and Rights management of published works.

Researcher at International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

From 1964 to 1969 Professor Randell worked for IBM at the T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, and later in California, working on computer architectures, and on operating systems and system design methodology. Some items dating from after 1969 but relating to series begun while Professor Randell was at IBM have been included here.

Newcastle Connection

The Newcastle Connection software system was designed to link UNIX systems, and was then commercially licensed for use. The software was distributed by MARI (see BR/14). For reports relating to the Newcastle Connection, see also BR/3/19/16/4 and BR/3/19/16/6).

International Federation For Information Processing (IFIP)

International Federation For Information Processing (IFIP) is the multinational organisation for Information Technology. Professor Randell was a founder member of Working Groups 2.3 (Programming Methodology) and 10.4 (Dependability and Fault Tolerance). He also refereed papers for IFIP conferences and helped organise some IFIP events. For additional correspondence relating to IFIP, see BR/3/24, especially BR/3/24/14, 23, 33, 40.

British Computer Society

Professor Randell was a Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS) and a member of its Safety Critical Systems Task Force. He was also a member of the Editorial Board of the British Computer Journal, the journal of the BCS, for records of which 1972 - 1991 see BR/3/22/3.


Consists of letters and proofs relating to poetry works published by Bloodaxe Books.

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