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Joseph Crawhall Archives
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Joseph Crawhall Archives

  • JCII
  • Archive Collection
  • 1669 - 2007

Consists of: Professional and personal letters, both to and from Joseph Crawhall II. Pencil, ink and watercolour sketches created by Joseph Crawhall II, some including annotations. Various printed ephemera from a variety of authors. Various leaflets, notifications, invitations, cards and reciepts relating to Joseph Crawhall II. A collection of woodblock pulls from a selection of original woodblocks created by Joseph Crawhall II. Letters and sketches relating to George Edward Crawhall, brother of Joseph Crawhall II. A genealogical scrapbook relating to the Crawhall family.

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts

Genealogical Scrapbook

Consists of a scrapbook which contains an assortment of material relating to a variety of members of the Crawhall family. The material is largely personal items, including invitations, certificates and letters which dates range from the beginning to the end of the 19th century. Thomas and Ann Crawhall, grandparents of Joseph Crawhall II, feature prominently in the scrapbook. Highlights include Thomas' honourary diploma from the Royal Jennerian Society, his last will and testament, and pencil sketches of both Thomas and Ann.

Album Amicorum

Consists of an 'Album Amicorum' or friendship book constructed by Joseph Crawhall II. The book contains newpaper clippings relating to Joseph Crahwall II and his work, poems, letters, photographs of himself and his family and various art work, including a a watercolour of his sister Margaret.

Two hunting horns

Print taken from Joseph Crawhall II's woodblock depicting two hunting horns, as used in his published works 'Impresses Quaint' and 'A Beuk O' Newcassel Sangs.'

Baby with quote "What is Man?"

Print taken from Joseph Crawhall II's woodblock depicting baby with quote "What is Man?", as used in his published works 'Impresses Quaint' and 'A Jubilee Thought.'


Print taken from Joseph Crawhall II's woodblock depicting angel, as used in his published works 'Impresses Quaint' and 'A Jubilee Thought.'

Plant with human heads

Print taken from Joseph Crawhall II's woodblock depicting plant with human heads, as used in his published works 'Impresses Quaint' and 'A Jubilee Thought.'


Print taken from Joseph Crawhall II's woodblock depicting plant, as used in his published work 'Impresses Quaint.'

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