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Medical Collection

  • Med. Coll.
  • Book Collection
  • 1701 - 1897

This is a collection of over 2000 volumes and hundreds of pamphlets, covering the history of medicine and a broad range of medical subjects. The collection is rich in seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth-century works.

It includes books from the medical library of noted South Shields doctor T.M. Winterbottom (1766-1859), and highlights include Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia (1794), John Abercrombie's Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord (1828), considered to have been the first textbook on Neuropathology, and several works by the famed botanist, humanist and physician Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738).

Newcastle University


A medallion presented to Edward Nucella for services in law - "The Law Society instituted AD 1781 for the improvement of members of the four inns of Court presented this medal to Edwd. Nucella Esq. J.U.C. and Barrister at Law to Perpetuate their appropriation of his conduct and gratitude for his services both as member and treasurer. Clarus ob id factum donis or natur honestis."
Slightly damaged.

Bell-White Collection

  • Bell-White
  • Book Collection
  • 1710 - 1851

The Bell-White Collection comprises printed and manuscript items which had been assembled by keen collectors John (1783-1864) and Thomas (1785-1860) Bell in the Nineteenth Century, some of which material had subsequently been purchased by fellow collector, Robert White (1802-1874). The collection focuses on local history and is a particularly good resource for local political history as it includes election addresses, squibs, broadsides and bills. Local poetry and songs are also represented.There is also a large collection of genealogical material relating to local families which contain documents relating to business concerns, deaths, events, honours, household matters, legal affairs, property, sales, social lives and occupations, as well as containing family pedigrees, illustrations and correspondence.

Bell, John, 1783-1864, Antiquary and Land Surveyor

Gilchrist (Douglas) Collection

  • G
  • Book Collection
  • 1717 - 1981

This collection of early works on agriculture is rich in eighteenth and nineteenth-century reports on farming in many parts of Great Britain. The collection had as its nucleus the historical library of the late Professor D.A. Gilchrist (d. 1927), who held the Chair of Agriculture in Armstrong College from 1902 to 1927.

A collection highlight is William Billington's A series of facts, hints, observations, and experiments on the different modes of raising young plantations of oaks (1825) which demonstrates the common preoccupation of many early nineteenth-century estate owners with growing trees which would be suitable for use in shipbuilding.

Letter from Bernhardus Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770), anatomist and related articles

Letter in French dated 19 Oct 1770 written at Leyden [Leiden] addressed to Dr. Nesbitt, Aldersgate Street, London. Requests a reply to an earlier letter in which he had acknowledged reciept of ""les microscopes."" He had also requested that Dr. Birch be asked to send the Epitome of Vesalius and to obtain for him a wig - a sample to be sent first, toegether with a note of prices. He asks for information on how to communicate to the Royal Society a paper he has prepared on the articulation of the lower jaw and wonders whether any new medical works have recently appeared. He mentions that Boerhaave's work on chemistry has just been published in Leyden - without the author's consent. Recipient is Robert Nesbitt (d.1761), physician. The Dr. Birch referred to is likely John Birch (1745-1815), surgeon. Photocopy of an article by Dr C J Van Der Klaauw from the zoological laboratory of the University, Leiden entitled 'A Letter of B. S. Albinus from Leiden to R. Nesbitt in London'. Photocopy of an article by W R Le Fanu, librarian at the Royal College of Surgeons, London entitled 'More Letters from B. S. Albinus to Robert Nesbitt'. Both articles published in English in Janus, volumes xxxv and xxxvi.

Jane Coulson's Recipe Book

A manuscript recipe book compiled by Jane Coulson, containing culinary and medicinal recipes. The title page bears the inscription: Choice and Experienced Receipts of Cookery, Preserves, Conserves, Pickles, etc. together with a Collection of Valuable Receipts for Physick collected from Mr John Spearman of Hetton and other able and Eminent Physicians . 186 pages. With a table of contents at the end of the volume. Also with an edition of The London Packet or New Lloyd's Evening Post interleaved in page 143 (now removed to a separate folder but kept alongside the volume).

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