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Donaldson (Sir Liam) Archive
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Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on the National Health Service and other Healthcare Services

Consists of 68 Powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding the National Health Service and other Healthcare Service topics, specifically change management and improvement, clinical governance and quality, and the history of the NHS, health services and medicine.

Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on his Special Reports, Campaigns and other Areas of Work

Consists of 56 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding his Special Reports, campaigns and other areas of work. Topics include organ and tissue retention , Annual Reports, Expert Medical Witnesses in Family Law Cases, outbreaks of foot and mouth disease (Aphtae epizooticae), the MMR vaccine, pandemic influenza outbreaks (including the H1N1 'Swine Flu'), and stem cell research.

Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on Health Protection against Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases and the Medical Profession

Consists of 66 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding both general and specific types of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases and topics regarding the Medical Profession; specifically Medical education, training and workforce, roles in the medical profession and poor clinical performance, revalidation and regulation.

Also includes presentations given by others which support Sir Liam's campaigns.

Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on Health Inequalities, Healthcare Associated Infection and Health Promotion

Consists of 53 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding Health Inequalities, Healthcare Associated Infection, and Health Promotion to prevent diseases; specifically regarding alcohol, obesity, physical activity and nutrition, screening, sexual health and smoking. Also includes presentations given by others which support Sir Liam's campaigns.

Presentations and Reports Delivered at [Medical Regulation] Advisory Group Meetings

File consists of;

2 part presentation from the General Medical Council entitled 'Regulating Doctors, Ensuring Good Medical Practice', first on medical regulation then medical revalidation, as delivered to the on 4th Advisory Group Meeting on 2 June 2005 and the 5th Advisory Group Meeting on 30 June 2005 respectively;

Presentation from the Department of Health entitled 'Non-Medical Regulation: Emerging Preliminary Views' as delivered to the 7th Advisory Group Meeting on 7 November 2005;

Briefing Information from the Royal College of Physicians entitled 'Medical Professionalism - Defining and Maintaining Professional Values in Medicine', as delivered to the 6th Advisory Group Meeting on 22 September 2005;

And presentation from the National Clinical Assessment Service on current and proposed systems for identifying, assessing and revalidating underperforming doctors, as delivered to the 3rd Advisory Group Meeting on 11 April 2005.

Results 141 to 150 of 916