Includes minutes by Charles on the following subjects: Commissariat Report (22 September 1863) Rules Relating to the Leave of Absence of Covenated Civilians (28 October 1863) disposal of the Government stock of salt in Bengal (4 December 1863) relations ... Read more
Includes minutes by Charles on the following subjects: Commissariat Report (22 September 1863) Rules Relating to the Leave of Absence of Covenated Civilians (28 October 1863) disposal of the Government stock of salt in Bengal (4 December 1863) relations between the Supreme and Local Governments, in reference to the execution of public works (12 December 1863) Officers of the Corps of Engineers in India and England (21 December 1863) the Bombay Supplementary Estimate for Public Works (11 January 1864) land tax (21 January 1864) military operations in the Punjab (30 October 1863 and 25 January 1864) report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Public Works Accounts (8 March 1864) proposed increase of establishments in India (16 May 1864) the state of society in Bengal (27 May 1864) settlement of Land Revenue in Oude (23 August 1864) Memorandum by Major Chesney on a regulated check of first appointments to Office Establishments (August 1864) Local Funds (13 September 1864) Also includes printed letters Letter from Sir C E Trevelyan to His Excellency the Earl of Elgin, on the budget for 1863-64 (11 April 1863), and from E H Lushington to A D Robertson regarding proposed additions to emoluments of Civil and Military servants in the Bombay Presidency (4 August 1864). There is also a page from the Homeward Mail dated 27 December 1866 featuring news from Madras.
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