Subseries TF. - Photograph Library

Identity area

Reference code



Photograph Library


  • 1960-2012, [photographs are often undated] (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

8 boxes (7 original cardboard boxes, 1 large plastic box) and 28 files.

Context area

Name of creator


Content and structure area

Scope and content

A large collection of project photographs inclusive of construction and publicity project phases.

System of arrangement

Photographs arranged in alphabetical sequence. Original order imposed by Farrell filing system has been maintained where possible. Arrangement discrepancies have occurred during previous changes to office filing schema.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Open (access temporarily restricted due to repackaging - archivist will facilitate access where possible)

Conditions governing reproduction

Copyright Law Applies

Language of material

  • English

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Predominantly photographs with some negatives

Description control area



Level of detail


Dates of creation revision deletion

This description created by Ruth Sheret and Jemma Singleton 2023