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Clarke (Edwin) General Archive

  • ECG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1970 - 1995 (approx)

Collected by Edwin Clarke (1919-1996), the Clarke General Collection is a run of cuttings, illustrations, manuscripts and historic documents which are organised into two sequences: a subject sequence and a biographical sequence.Subjects range from the weather, food and actors, to Victorian 'freakshow' acts whilst items in the biographical sequence include silk in red, white and blue with a note asserting them to be

Clarke, Edwin, 1919-1996, Neurologist and Medical Historian.

Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality (Tyneside CHE) Archive

  • CHE
  • Archive Collection
  • 1960 - 1999

Administration, correspondence, research and campaign materials produced by the Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality, and associated material relating to lesbian and gay politics from the 1970s to the 1990s, including newspaper cuttings, campaign material, leaflets, and magazines and journals.Administration, correspondence, research and campaign materials produced by the Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality, and associated material relating to lesbian and gay politics from the 1970s to the 1990s, including newspaper cuttings, campaign material, leaflets, and magazines and journals.

The Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE)

Donaldson (Sir Liam) Archive

  • LD
  • Archive Collection
  • 1959 - 2010

Consists of published and unpublished material covering Sir Liam's professional career and achievements as;

Regional Medical Officer, Regional General Manager and Regional Director of Public Health for the Northern Regional Health Authority (1986 - 1994);

Regional General Manager, Regional Director and Regional Director of Public Health for the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Health Authority and NHS Executive: Northern and Yorkshire (1994 -1998);

Chief Medical Officer for England, Department of Health (1998 - 2010).

The majority of material relates to his time as Chief Medical Officer, covering his major health and health care campaigns, including published reports and contextual material related to these reports.

Also includes photographs, papers, correspondence and other material relating to Sir Liam's personal life, awards and honours.

Donaldson, Sir Liam Joseph, 1949 - , Chief Medical Officer for England (1998 - 2010)

Chaplin (Sid) Archive

  • SC
  • Archive Collection
  • 1841-1990

Papers relating to Sid Chaplin's writing career and other involvements throughout his life. Typescripts of published novels, short stories, poetry, plays and articles; typescripts of unpublished novels, short stories, poetry, plays and articles; working drafts of typescripts, published typeset copies; television and radio dramatisations; diaries 1930-1985, notebooks 1930-1984; newspaper cuttings; correspondence 1939-1990, in particular correspondence with David Higham Associates 1949-1989, BBC 1947-1987, various publishers: Phoenix House 1946-1962, Eyre and Spottiswoode 1959-1978, Pergamon Press and Ben Owen 1950-1984, Alan Plater 1963-1985, Alex Glasgow 1970-1982, Stan Barstow 1961-1984, Basil Bunting 1983-1984, Norman Nicholson 1950-[1982], John Bate 1944-1985, various Russian and French correspondence, particularly with Professor Valentina Ivashova 1964-1985; material relating to the English Speaking Union of America trip to USA, 1955 and subsequent correspondence with Dorothy Goodfellow 1960-1985.

Chaplin, Sid, 1916-1986, author

Common (Jack) Archive

  • JC
  • Archive Collection
  • 1916 - 1988

The papers of Jack Common (1900-1968) are a rich resource for those interested in the history of this talented Tyneside-born writer. They include published and unpublished typescripts and manuscripts of his work, including Kiddar's Luck, his fictionalised childhood autobiography, published in 1951. There are also Common's diaries, notebooks, research notes, news cuttings, correspondence and photographs.

The papers also include copies of articles and draft articles for his contribution to the socialist journals The Adelphi and New Britain. Correspondence to Jack Common includes letters from his friends George Orwell, E.M. Forster, Dorothy and Max Plowman, Richard and John Middleton Murry, Thomas McCullough and Connie Common, Jack's second wife. There is also correspondence from various publishers as well as from the BBC and Associated British Picture Corporation.

Common, Jack, 1903-1968, writer

Pattinson (Sir Lawrence Pattinson) Archive

  • LAP
  • Archive Collection
  • 1912 - 2011

Consists of letters and documents covering the life and work of Sir Lawrence, primarily relating to his time working for the Royal Air Force during World War I and World War II.

Pattinson, Sir Lawrence, 1890-1955, Knight Air Marshal

Baker Brown (Thomas) Archive

  • TBB
  • Archive Collection
  • c. 20th century

Consists of: Correspondence of the Brown family during World War I. Photographs taken in France and England both during and after the war. Includes photographs of buildings damaged by bombing, memorials and graves, and reunion events after World War I. Maps covering areas of France, Germany and Austria, some of which show the position of trenches in World War I. Memorabilia relating to World War I including newspaper clippings, posters and documents. Publications including journals and comics published during World War I, as well as historical and creative works relating to, and published after, World War I.

Baker Brown, Thomas, b 1896, soldier

Nicholson Archive

  • NI
  • Archive Collection
  • 1900 - 1970

The Nicholson Collection comprises periodicals (newspapers, magazines and magazine supplements) and a small number of letters, postcards, pamphlets and photographs, relating to Spain, Ethiopia, Britain, and Italy. These are political and religious publications, for the most part, but include national and local newspapers, roughly covering the period of the late 1930s to the mid 1960s. Also included are The Workers Chronicle from May 1926 (covering the General Strike) and two U.S. Information Service documents from 1946.

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild Archive

  • NHG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1900 - 1947

The Northumberland Handicrafts Guild was formed at a meeting held on 9th June 1900 and its aim was to promote the study of handicrafts in the County of Northumberland. There was a particular emphasis on embroidery, woodwork, basket work, leather work and weaving. Prominent members of the committee include Thomas Edward Hodgkin, Richard George Hatton, Ella Pease and Miss Noble.

This archive comprises of the annual reports of the organisation 1900 - 1936, together with a small collection of other constitutional and committee records. The collection includes also accounting material for the period 1930 - 1947 and press cuttings related to the activities of the Guild. Part of the archive is dedicated to mementos and the embroidery work of Margaret Scott, a member of the Guild in the early 1900s.

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild

20th Century Pamphlets

  • 20th C. Pam
  • Book Collection
  • 1900 - 1999

This is a collection of approximately 600 pamphlets and short publications on world affairs in the Twentieth Century. Many themes are covered, including politics, economics, civil liberty, democracy and religion, and many of the countries of the world feature. Examples of titles in the collection are Full employment in a free society; I was a Franco Soldier; The hydrogen bomb and you; What the Arab World really wants; The Basques and the Communists; British policy in the Far East; Two Sides in Germany: Which is yours?; Youth and Anti-Semitism; Haile Salassie: the Plea for Ethiopia; Japanese Naval expansion; Chinese Women and the War; and Banking in Soviet Russia. Many prominent figures are represented as authors, including Marx and Engels, Kropotkin and Liu Shao-Chi.

Newcastle University

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