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Joseph Crawhall Archives
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Joseph Crawhall Archives

  • JCII
  • Archive Collection
  • 1669 - 2007

Consists of: Professional and personal letters, both to and from Joseph Crawhall II. Pencil, ink and watercolour sketches created by Joseph Crawhall II, some including annotations. Various printed ephemera from a variety of authors. Various leaflets, notifications, invitations, cards and reciepts relating to Joseph Crawhall II. A collection of woodblock pulls from a selection of original woodblocks created by Joseph Crawhall II. Letters and sketches relating to George Edward Crawhall, brother of Joseph Crawhall II. A genealogical scrapbook relating to the Crawhall family.

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts


Consists of a variety of art work produced by Joseph Crawhall II. They range from rough sketches to finished, printed pieces and use an assortment of mediums including pencil, watercolour, ink and engravings.

Man in restaurant

Consists of a watercolour sketch of a man being served in a restaurant. Caption reads: "Fish, Sir?" "Dang it! Wait till I get somethin' to eat firdt - an then we'll talk about the fishin!"

Two drunk men talking

Consists of a watercolour sketch of two drunk men talking next to a lampost. Caption reads: 'Astrononmy' - "Ish thah' the moon shir?" "Don’t loh shir - I'm a stranger in theesh parsh"

Two men discussing amateur theatre

Consists of a watercolour sketch of two men discussing amateur theatre. Caption reads: Amateur - "Er- I saw you at our amateur theatricals last night - how did you like my assumption of Hamlet?" Friend - "Greatest piece of assumption I ever witnessed."

Man placing order in restaurant

Consists of a watercolour sketch of a man placing an order in a restaurant. Caption reads: Diner - "Waiter, will you cut me a delicate slice of beef, reasonably free from fat and other extraneous matter and just sufficient gravy to moisten it?" Waiter (loudly to carver) - "One - Beef cut bias - Charlotte Russe flouncin' shirr'd hup back, with Pompad our rink roll hon houter hedge" (to Diner) - "D'ye want buttons on hit Sir." (SPEECHLESS).

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