- BXB/1
- Subfonds
- 1978 - [ongoing]
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of letters and proofs relating to poetry works published by Bloodaxe Books.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of letters and proofs relating to poetry works published by Bloodaxe Books.
Published Poetry and Translations by Author
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of letters and proofs relating to published poetry works and translations that were produced by a single author.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of letters and proofs relating to the published poetry works of Robert Adamson.
Adamson, Robert, 1943 -, Poet
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Full colour jacket cover proof. This is attached to item BXB/1/1/BRP/1/6.
Reading the River: Selected Poems
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of letters and manuscripts relating to Reading the River: Selected Poems by Robert Adamson. Robert Adamson has been nourished for much of his life by Australia’s Hawkesbury River. Reading the River praises nature – red in tooth and claw – and celebrates existence as a mythological quest. The early poems trace Adamson’s own journey through a difficult childhood, prison and exile in the city, the source of a hard-won scepticism undercutting the highly personal Romanticism and daring lyricism of his later work.
Adamson, Robert, 1943 -, Poet
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Full colour jacket cover proof.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of a Bloodaxe Books information sheet introducing the author and the publication and a poem sampler.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of letters and proofs relating to the published poetry works of Fleur Adcock.
Adcock, Fleur, 1934 - , poet and editor
Agenda for Poetry Readings at Newcastle University
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of the timetable of poetry readings and brief biographies of Ken Smith, Fleur Adcock, Ciaran Carson and Peter Dale. These events were organised by the Newcastle University Literary Society and the Cultural Affairs Committee, financially assisted by the National Poet Secretariat, referencing contacts as Neil Astley and Karen Openshaw.