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Autograph scrapbook with lock

Includes signatures and correspondence from prominent figures. Historic listing stated 'belonged to CPT'
Features content attributed to George III, Napoelon III, Frederic II Prussia, [Marie Louise], General Lafayette, Cardinal Mazarin, Richeleu?, Lord Halifax, George Canning, William Smith?, Lord John Russell, [Richard cobden?], W Gladstone, Leopold von Ranke, Benjamin Constant, Voltaire, John Fox Burgoyne, Byron – sketch of house in southall where poems first printed, Dr Parr, W H Smyth, G Croly, Fenimore Cooper, T Carlyle, J Ruskin, Arthur P Stanley, Crabbe Robinson, Henry Cole, John Gibson (sculptor), Frederick Taylor, Thorburn, /madame de Stael, Lucy Aikin, Mrs Barbauld, Joanna Baillie, Lady Blessington, Lady Morgan, Mrs Murray, Julia Pardoe, Miss Martinau, Miss Carpenter, Miss Nightingale, Mrs Opie, Mrs Gaskill, George Eliot, Joseph Whitworth

Scrapbook of autographs compiled by Lady Eleanor Trevelyan.

Original listing stated 'formerly numbered GOT 34'. Includes document claiming to be an account of a visit to Napoleon at Elba in November 1914.
Features content attributed to J Collingwood Bruce, William Armstrong, A [Alison], John J Audubon, [L. Agassiz?], John Bright, Robert Browning, J Brown, F M Burton, H Brand, Revd. Burth, [Bunsen?], Henry Bone, [J Cean, Rio de Janeiro], Charles Burney, Walter Blackett, Edward Belcher, Charlotte Maria [?], Lord Clyde, Cardinell, A C C, T Carlyle, John Clayton, [?] Clifford, Joesph Cowen, J [Cartner], George Crabba, Canning Slave Trade speech, [Casanova?], W Carlyle, George Cruikshank, R Chambers, George Combe, Derby, [J B Dunch?], [Steven] Duffy, Charles Dasent, Devon, H Davy, Dutens Rector of Esldon, Thomas de Quincy, Robert Boyle, B Disraeli, [?Division], C J [Dunelin], [Ernest], Elizabeth Eastlake, [Emily], Maria Edgeworth, Edward Elliott, Elizabeth Fry, William Faraday, F W Farrar, E [Fleury], Ferdinando, Frederick Guillaume of Prussia, William GladstoneGrey, W Grote, William N Gull, William Gell, John Gibson, Mr Gould, Thomas Guthrie, C E [Halie?], W Holman Hunt, W Halifax, Augustus Hare, Thomas Hughes, Robert Hill, John Hudson, Hardwick, Jos. Hooker, B Jowett, J Jekyle, Annie Jameson, A W Kinglake, J Keble, A Kestner, J R Lowek, Langdale, T W Layman, D R Ledd, John Lindley, W C Lake, R Goldschmidt, Landseer, Robert Lowe, W Lawson, Louis 16th of France, Luxborough, J L Miller, T B Macaulay, Gaorge MacKenzie, Theobold Matthew, Stafford H Northcote, Northbrook, Florence Nightingale, Northumberland, C T Lewson, Vincent Novello, Northampton, J Hagan, Overstone, Richard Owen, Walter W Onless, S Oxon, Odescalchi, Daniel O'Connell, Frederick FitzClarence, Amelia Opie, James Paget, Lyon Playfair, Augustus Pugin, Robert Peel, A Panizzi, John Ruskin, Arthur Russell, Richmond Gordon, Dr Robertson, [?] Vincent, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Sidmouth, Selbourne, Stampfeld, Wolseley, D MacKenzie Wallan, Thomas Woolner, Athony Trollope, John Hautmann [?], An account of a visit to Napoleon at Elba, attributed to a nephew of Spencer Perceval Nov 1814, H Philpotts, Robert Perrau

Printed requisition notice signed by the 1st Duke of Albemarle

Requisition for money to pay for the victualing of the fleet. Victualler of the Fleet named as Sir Dennis Gauden. Refers to moneys arising from a late Act of Parliament entitled "An Act for Raising Three Hundred and Ten Thousand Pounds by an Imposition on Wines and other Liquors". Signed by creator.

Letter from Jacob Spon (1647-1685), physician and antiquary

Letter written at Lyon to an unnamed recipient. Acknowledges receipt of letter and describes the availability of a calendar in printed books. Spon requests a copy of a medal to be sent for M. Vaillant to see. Mentions a planned rejoinder to his book by M. la Guilletiere. The book to which he refers is 'Voyage d'Italie, de Grece et du Levant' (1678).


A medallion presented to Edward Nucella for services in law - "The Law Society instituted AD 1781 for the improvement of members of the four inns of Court presented this medal to Edwd. Nucella Esq. J.U.C. and Barrister at Law to Perpetuate their appropriation of his conduct and gratitude for his services both as member and treasurer. Clarus ob id factum donis or natur honestis."
Slightly damaged.

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