Newcastle University: University Research Committee Meetings
- BR/3/2/3
- Item
- Sep 1989 - Dec 1989
Agenda, copy minutes and other meeting papers.
Newcastle University: University Research Committee Meetings
Agenda, copy minutes and other meeting papers.
Newcastle University: University Research Committee Meetings
Agenda, copy minutes and other meeting papers.
Newcastle University: University Research Committee Meetings
Agenda, copy minutes and other meeting papers.
Newcastle University: University Research Committee Meetings
Agenda, copy minutes and other meeting papers.
Newcastle University: Faculty of Science Research Committee Meetings
Agenda, copy minutes and other meeting papers and some related correspondence. Professor Randell was a member of the Research Committee.
Research Committee Visit to Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department
Papers relating to the Visit of the Research Committee and its report, with a partial list of Research Committee visits 1989 - 1994.
Research Committee Visit to Mathematics And Statistics Department
Papers relating to the Visit of the Research Committee and its report.
Research Committee Visit to Psychology Department
Papers relating to the Visit of the Research Committee and its report.
Research Committee Visit to Department of Agriculture
Papers relating to the Visit of the Research Committee and its report.