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Employment with English Electric Company

From 1957 until 1964 Professor Randell was employed in the Atomic Power Division of the English Electric Company Ltd, Whetstone, Leicester, including working on compilers for the ALGOL 60 language. For records relating to occasional consultancy to International Computers Limited (ICL), a successor to English Electric Computers, see BR/16

Microelectronics Applications Research Institute (MARI)

The Microelectronics Applications Institute (MARI) was founded in 1979 as a non profit making research, development, and training organization in Newcastle, jointly owned by Newcastle University, Newcastle Polytechnic and Computer Analysts and Programmers Ltd (for which see BR/22/5/1). Professor Randell was a Director of the Company. The Advanced Microtechnology Applications Ltd (AMA) was a wholly-owned subsidiary of MARI, which acted as its trading and commercial arm. On 9 January 1990, the name of the company was changed to The Northern Regional Information Technology Research Institute. For the Newcastle Connection software system distributed by MARI see BR/15. For photographs of historical computers relating to the MARI 10th anniversary lecture see BR/3/21/3

Newcastle Connection

The Newcastle Connection software system was designed to link UNIX systems, and was then commercially licensed for use. The software was distributed by MARI (see BR/14). For reports relating to the Newcastle Connection, see also BR/3/19/16/4 and BR/3/19/16/6).

Northern Informatics Applications Agency

The Northern Informatics Applications Agency (NIAA) (initially referred to as the Regional Data Network Initiative) was initially established in 1993 to improve data networking provision in the North of England, and came into legal existence on 1 April 1995.

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