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Iron Press Archive
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Iron Press Archive

  • IRO
  • Archive Collection
  • 1973 - [ongoing]

Consists of material relating to published and submitted works, marketing sales and publicity, funding applications and literary events hosted by IRON Press.

IRON Press, 1973 -


Consists of material relating to works published by IRON Press, including works submitted for consideration and unpublished.

David Almond

Consists of material relating to published works by David Almond.

Almond, David, 1951 -

A Kind of Heaven

Includes reviews, publicity material such as press releases and leaflets concerning a launch, and correspondence relating to A Kind of Heaven.


Includes press releases, digital photographs of cover artwork, and correspondence relating to Nesting, as well as a typescript of the short story Angel which featured in the book.

The Sara Poems

Includes digital photographs, correspondence, photographs, press releases, publicity material and a setting proof related to The Sara Poems.

Katie Campbell

Consists of material relating to published works by Katie Campbell.

Campbell, Katie, unknown, 1957 -

Results 1 to 10 of 186