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Joseph Crawhall Archives
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Joseph Crawhall Archives

  • JCII
  • Archive Collection
  • 1669 - 2007

Consists of: Professional and personal letters, both to and from Joseph Crawhall II. Pencil, ink and watercolour sketches created by Joseph Crawhall II, some including annotations. Various printed ephemera from a variety of authors. Various leaflets, notifications, invitations, cards and reciepts relating to Joseph Crawhall II. A collection of woodblock pulls from a selection of original woodblocks created by Joseph Crawhall II. Letters and sketches relating to George Edward Crawhall, brother of Joseph Crawhall II. A genealogical scrapbook relating to the Crawhall family.

Crawhall, Joseph, 1821-1896, wood-engraver and promoter of the arts

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