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Professor Brian Randell Collection
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Your Company and The Computer Museum
Your Company and The Computer Museum
Workshop on Composability of Fault-Resilient Real Time Systems
Workshop on Composability of Fault-Resilient Real Time Systems
Visits to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Washington University, Seattle. Trip Report , by R Kerr and T J Ratcliffe
Visits to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Washington University, Seattle. Trip Report , by R Kerr and T J Ratcliffe
Visit to Hitachi, Japan
Visit to Hitachi, Japan
US Department of Commerce Office of Technical Services report: Operating Systems by George H Mealy
US Department of Commerce Office of Technical Services report: Operating Systems by George H Mealy
Update: Shaping our Future Together
Update: Shaping our Future Together
Update and Merge of Partitioned Distributed Systems, by J A Anyanwu, B Randell
Update and Merge of Partitioned Distributed Systems, by J A Anyanwu, B Randell
Unix Technical Advisory Board: Meeting Papers
Unix Technical Advisory Board: Meeting Papers
Unix Technical Advisory Board Meeting 12 October 1990
Unix Technical Advisory Board Meeting 12 October 1990
Unix Technical Advisory Board: Correspondence
Unix Technical Advisory Board: Correspondence
Results 1 to 10 of 1249