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MARI Brochure Pack
MARI Brochure Pack
The Electronics Industry in the North of England
The Electronics Industry in the North of England
The Newcastle Connection
The Newcastle Connection
Software 2000 miscellaneous papers.
Software 2000 miscellaneous papers.
Software 2000 A View of the Future: the Output of a Forum Sponsored by ICL and the Commission of the European Communities
Software 2000 A View of the Future: the Output of a Forum Sponsored by ICL and the Commission of the European Communities
Unix Technical Advisory Board Meeting 12 October 1990
Unix Technical Advisory Board Meeting 12 October 1990
Northern Informatics Applications Agency (NIAA) background material
Northern Informatics Applications Agency (NIAA) background material
Telematics in the North information pack
Telematics in the North information pack
Northern Informatics: Tipping the scales of advantage in the information Age for the North of England.
Northern Informatics: Tipping the scales of advantage in the information Age for the North of England.
Results 1 to 10 of 20939