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H1N1 influenza
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An Independent Review of the UK Response to the 2009 Influenza Pandemic

Report by team chaired by Dame Deirdre Hine to review the appropriateness and effectiveness of the UK strategy for responding domestically to the H1N1 Swine Flu influenza pandemic and make recommendations for future planning.

Includes covering letter to Sir Liam from Dame Deirdre enclosing a copy of the report and congratulating him for making sure the UK was prepared and knew the risks of a pandemic.

Letter to Sir Liam from Prime Minister Gordon Brown on his retirement from the role of Chief Medical Officer

The Prime Minister expresses his sadness at Sir Liam's decision to step down as Chief Medical Officer and pays tribute to his work on NHS Reform, quality of care, patient safety, personalised services, the smoking ban and organ donation. He also thanks him for remaining in post to help respond to the H1N1 Influenza Swine Flu epidemic.

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