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Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on Health Inequalities, Healthcare Associated Infection and Health Promotion

Consists of 53 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding Health Inequalities, Healthcare Associated Infection, and Health Promotion to prevent diseases; specifically regarding alcohol, obesity, physical activity and nutrition, screening, sexual health and smoking. Also includes presentations given by others which support Sir Liam's campaigns.

File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for May to October 2007

Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;

Global health;

Patient Safety;

Organ Donation;

Expert Patients and chronic disease management;

Physical Activity;

And alchol and binge drinking.

Alcohol and Young People

Includes Sir Liam's Special Report Guidance on the consumption of alcohol by children and young people and other material specifically related to alcohol and its effects on children and young people.

File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for November 2007 to April 2008

Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;

Antbiotic Use;

Drinking During Pregnancy;

Folic Acid;

HIV Testing;

Hybrid Embryos;

Organ Donation;

Patient Safety;

Video Podcast of On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2008

Podcasts produced in conjunction with the publication of Sir Liam's 2008 Annual Report. Consists of 6 episodes covering chapters within the annual report.

Episode 1: On the State of the Public Health (introduction) 03:03

Passive drinking; The collateral damage from alcohol 04:14

Episode 3: Prostate Cancer; What to do with the Pussycats 03:20

Episode 4: Pain; Breaking through the Barrier 02:30

Episode 5: Antimicrobial Resistance; Up against the ropes 02:57

Episode 6: Safer Medical Practice; Machines, Manikins and Polo mints 01:57

On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2008

This annual report celebrates 150 years of the Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer for England by looking at the historical context of the first annual report in 1858, a comparative analysis between the health of the nation in 1858 and 2008 and the continued relevance of some of the issues discussed, such as epidemics, vaccination and competency of healthcare professionals.

Health issues covered in this report include;

Progress on previous years' recommendations;

The effects of passive drinking on families and society and the need for minimum pricing on alcohol units as an immediate priority;

The need for greater research and counselling in regards to prostate cancer;

Greater action on chronic pain through assessment and inclusion on training curriculums;

Minimising antimicrobial resistance through awareness campaigns and other initiatives;

And making medical practice safer by introducing simulation-based training.

Also included is a regional focus on some local problems, trends and initiatives across England.

File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for May to October 2009

Third 6 monthly report. Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;



Patient Safety;

Folic Acid;


Women Doctors;

Inauguration as Chancellor of Newcastle University;


MMR Vaccine;


And chronic pain.