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Medical personnel--Malpractice
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Audit of Yorkshire Regional Health Authority

Material relating to the audit of the former Yorkshire Regional Health Authority following an investigation into failures regarding corporate governance, financial losses and misconduct by officers. Sir Liam was involved in conducting disciplinary proceedings against those officers.

Problem Doctors: A Conspiracy of Silence

Consists of Sir Liam's chapter entitled Doctors with Problems in a Hospital Workforce, in which he discusses how to deal with doctors whose competence or behaviour is a cause for concern.

Chapter featured on pages 99 to 109.

Organ and Tissue Retention

Includes Sir Liam's Special Reports Report of a Census of Organs and Tissues Retained by Pathology Services in England and The Removal, Retention and Use of Human Organs and Tissue from Post-Mortem Examination . Also includes other material specifically related to organ and tissue retention.

Medical Regulation and Revalidation

Includes Sir Liam's Special Reports Harold Shipman’s Clinical Practice 1974-1998: A Review Commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer , Good Doctors, Safer Patients: Proposals to Strengthen the System to Assure and Improve the Performance of Doctors and to Protect the Safety of Patients , and Medical Revalidation - Principles and Next Steps: The Report of the Chief Medical Officer for England's Working Group .

Also includes other material specifically related to the regulation and revalidation of medical professionals.

Donaldson, Sir Liam Joseph, 1949 - , Chief Medical Officer for England (1998 - 2010)

Clinical Negligence and Medical Related Litigation

Includes Sir Liam's Special Reports Making Amends: A Consultation Paper setting out Proposals for Reforming the Approach to Clinical Negligence in the NHS , and Bearing Good Witness: Proposals for Reforming the Delivery of Medical Expert Evidence in Family Law Cases .

Also includes other material specifically related to the medical profession and litigation.

The Removal, Retention and Use of Human Organs and Tissue from Post-Mortem Examination

This report was written in conjunction with Sir Liam's Report of a Census of Organs and Tissues Retained by Pathology Services in England and in response to public criticism at the unauthorised retention of children's tissue and organs at certain hospitals.

It drew together problems and concerns with the current system and made recommendations for change to ensure greater respect and compassion for the deceased and bereaved, clearer information on the medical purpose of such retention and greater participation in decisions by families, while preserving the need to continue the practice more appropriately for research and training needs.

Legislative reform was also recommended to require clear consent from families for retention and the need for an independent commission to be established to return organs and tissues to families where requested.

On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2002

Health issues covered in this report include;

Progress on 2001 recommendations;

The dangers of second-hand smoke (including recommendations on banning smoking in public places);

A study on West Nile virus including the risk of it spreading to England and need for surveillance and contingency plans;

Curbing England's obesity epidemic;

Patient safety in intrathecal chemotherapy treatment;

And tackling poor clinical practice by providing support and dealing more effectively with problem doctors.

Also included is a regional focus on some local problems, trends and initiatives across England.

File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for May to October 2008

Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;

Anti-Smoking Campaigns;

Medical Regulation and Revalidation;

Testing for Blood clots;


MMR Vaccination;

Global Health;

And Alcohol and Young People.

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