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Speech entitled Regional Quality

Consists of notes and papers relating to Sir Liam's opening speech at the Royal College of General Practioners National Spring Meeting, on the need to address quality of care in the Northern region.

Regional Director of Public Health's Report for 1992

Annual Report by Sir Liam for the Northern Regional Health Authority.

Health issues covered in this report significant to the Northern Region include;

Progress on the previous years' recommendations and major achievements in the region;

Adequately diagnosing and treating high blood pressure;

Prescribing cheaper but equally effective medicines to save money and treat more patients;

Greater use of day case surgerys in hospitals;

Reducing the risk of death through meningitis by administering penicillin injections before transferring sufferers to hospital;

Administering steroids to mothers in premature labour to reduce incidences of respiratory distress syndrome;

And the development and use of agreed clinical guidlines to standardise the treatment of patients.

Copy of Chapter by Sir Liam entitled_ Quality in Healthcare: A Public Health Perspective from Progress in Public Health _

Consists of copy of Sir Liam's chapter, co-written with David Benton, entitled Quality in Healthcare: A Public Health Perspective, in which he discusses the need for intergrated strategies for quality improvement and impact from public health practioners being evaluated on overall population health.

Chapter featured on pages 227 to 250.

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