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Bainbrigg Library/Appleby Grammar School Collection

  • BAI
  • Book Collection
  • 1504 - 1830

This collection represents the historical portion of the Library of Appleby Grammar School in Cumbria (formerly in the old county of Westmorland) and has been deposited on indefinite loan. The nucleus of the collection was the personal library of an early headmaster of the school, Reginald Bainbrigg [1545-1612?].Books in this collection range in publication date from the Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century. The collection can be searched on the library's catalogue and there is also a printed catalogue by the late Edgar Hinchcliffe, formerly a master at the school, available from the Special Collections reading room.The collection contains predominantly classical, theological, literary and historical works, as well as a number of early sixteenth-century English bindings. There are many sixteenth-century editions of works by classical authors, such as Cicero, while other highlights include several works by the English philosopher and enlightenment thinker John Locke and a 1561 Basel imprint of Martin Luther's Quaestionum Sacrarum.

Bainbrigg, Reginald, 1544/5–1612/13, schoolmaster and antiquary

Kepier Grammar School Collection

  • K
  • Book Collection
  • 1602 - 1840

Kepier Grammar School was opened by Queen Elizabeth I in 1574 and closed in 1933. The books from its library consist mainly of seventeenth and eighteenth-century works on classics and theology. As well as the classical authors (Euclid, Homer, Cicero, Tacitus, Plutarch, Xenophon et al.), many of the stock authors of the Eighteenth Century are represented: David Hume, Tobias Smollett, Joseph Addison, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, George Lyttleton, Jonathan Swift, Matthew Prior, Alexander Pope and (from the Seventeenth Century) John Locke. Several volumes bear the bookplate of Thomas Griffith, whilst one of the school's governors, Ralph Robinson, presented sixty six volumes to the school in 1742. Valerius Maximus' Cum commento Oliuerii Arzignanensis Vicentini (1500) contains the inscriptions of several former pupils with the dictum: “when you see this remember me“.

Kepier Grammar School

Robinson (Marjorie and Philip) Collection

  • Robinson
  • Book Collection
  • 1470 - 1858

The Robinson Collection comprises incunabula, medieval manuscripts and books so the material ranges from a fourteenth-century gradual to items published in the Nineteenth Century. The collection was bequeathed by Marjorie Robinson (d. 1998), widow of antiquarian bookseller, Philip Robinson. It includes early editions of works by Dante, Boccaccio and Tasso; rare pamphlets by Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift; and is a good resource for travel literature.

Highlights include an original Gutenberg Bible leaf [1400]; a book of hours which is printed on vellum, in a brown cloth binding with blue velvet spine and metal centerpiece, corner-pieces and ornamental clasp; presentation copies of Alexander Pope's works as well as books which he formerly owned and A letter from South Carolina, 2nd ed. (1718) which provides first-hand information on the pioneer settlement of that state.

Robinson, Philip, d.1989, bookseller

Heversham Grammar School Collection

  • Hev
  • Book Collection
  • 1544 - 1877

The Library of Heversham Grammar School in Westmorland. The Library was intended for the use of neighbouring clergy as well as for the masters and pupils of the School, and books were also given by local gentry and former pupils. Two MSS. Catalogues, compiled abound 1800, show that the Library then consisted of 600 volumes, of which about 450 survive. The collection consists mainly of editions of classical or theological authors, with approximately half of the volumes having been printed before 1700 and a few before 1600.

Heversham Grammar School

19th Century Novels

  • NCN
  • Book Collection
  • 1800 - 1899

This collection of approximately 1500 nineteenth-century novels consists almost entirely of the works of lesser-known This collection of approximately 1500 nineteenth-century novels consists almost entirely of the works of lesser-known writers, such as Rosa Carey, Emma Warboise and Alexander Grant. Scottish writers are also well-represented in the collection.

Gibson (George) Archive

  • GG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1800 - 1900 (approx)

Although George Gibson (1800-1850) was a farm steward to Sir M.W. Ridley, Blagdon, Northumberland, the Gibson Papers are really a literary archive, with some material which may be considered pertinent to the history of education in Gibson's ciphering book (1804) - mathematical problems, solutions and rules; a poem; information about weights, measures and the value of money as well as his many doodles. There are many short poems, such as An address to a mouse that I turned up with the plough on 2nd January 1819, Reflections on hearing the clock strike five and Farewell address to my ink bottle as well as a long poem about the difficult slaughter of a sow which was too heavy to lift, some ecclesiastical poetry, a long, anti-Catholic poem on education in Ireland and some correspondence.

Gibson, George, 1800-1850, Farm Steward to Sir Ridley of Blagdon Newcastle

Burman-Alnwick Collection

  • Burman Alnwick
  • Book Collection
  • 1742 - 1917

The Burman-Alnwick Collection was brought together by Dr. C.C. Burman and presented to Alnwick U.D.C. by his son, Joseph Burman, to later be deposited in the Library on long-term loan.It consists of books, pamphlets, broadsides and other material printed in Alnwick 1700-1917 and is chiefly a local history collection, containing such items as An address to 'the four and twenty' of the borough of Alnwick: on certain improvements in the plan of education, pursued in the borough school [1839], The Alnwick Mercury, Northumberland Advertiser, and entertaining miscellany (1854-1859), The Journal of the Northumberland Agricultural Society (1850) and the Alnwick Mechanics' Institute's Annual Report [18--]. It is also something of a literary collection, containing Alnwick printings of well-known tales such as The babes in the wood [18--] and The ballad of Chevy Chase (1800) as well as children's literature and educational tools like The child's battledore [c.1830], works by James Beattie and Thomas Percy and various chapbooks and ballads. Published sermons and letters also appear.

Burman, C. C., dates unknown, historian

Chorley (Sarah) Collection

  • Chorley
  • Book Collection
  • 1797 - 1920

The Chorley Collection, presented by Sarah Chorley, comprises children's literature chiefly from the Nineteenth Century and first decades of the Twentieth Century. Highlights include Kate Greenaway's Almanack for 1884 (1883) R.M. Ballantyne's The Coral Island (1876) and The Giants and How to Fight Them (1904) by the Rev. Richard Newton. There are also several works by the highly influential children's book illustrator Randolph Caldecott (1846-1886).

St. Bees School Library

  • St Bees
  • Book Collection
  • 1485 - 1932

St. Bees School, Cumbria was founded by Queen Elizabeth I in 1583 and its library was developed through donations from local gentry and clergy in the Seventeenth Century. The collection comprises mostly classical literature and theology, including 102 volumes which were printed in the Sixteenth Century, with several titles in Latin or Ancient Greek.

Alongside the classical authors sit Martin Luther's sermons; works by William Gilpin, John Ruskin, Oliver Goldsmith, Izaak Walton, James Boswell and Francis Bacon; there is a copy of Roald Amundsen's The South Pole: an account of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition in the “Fram”, 1910-1912 (1912) and C.G. Bruce's The assault on Mount Everest, 1922 (1923), as well as W.R. Calvert's Family holiday: a little tour in a second-hand car (1932).

St Bees School

Whyte (Frederic) Archive

  • FW
  • Archive Collection
  • 1867 - 1941

The papers of Frederic Whyte (1867-1941) form a literary archive although it contains a large amount of correspondence. The letters date largely from the late-Nineteenth and early-Twentieth Centuries and include correspondence with publishers, editors and literary agents. Correspondence also includes letters from Arthur Conan Doyle, George Bernard Shaw and correspondence with H.G. Wells.There are articles, notes and draft translations (including a manuscript draft and copy of an article 'Portrait of Cecil Rhodes' and correspondence about M.G. Sarfatti's biography of Mussolini); material for Whyte's Life of W.T. Stead, miscellaneous photographs, cuttings (including a scrapbook of press cuttings on the Boer War), book reviews, manuscript diaries, some publications and material relating to Sweden.

Whyte, Frederic, 1867-1941, author and journalist.

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