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Flambard Press Archive
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Flambard Press Archive

  • FLP
  • Archive Collection
  • 1990 - 2014

Consists of editorial material relating to published works by Flambard Press. Also contains documents relating to the marketing of the company.

Flambard Press, 1990-2013

Display boards

Consists of five promotional display boards featuring the history and mission of Flambard Press; a montage of the word Flambard; the cover of Vermin - a novel by Adrienne Silcock published in 2000; a portrait of Sid Chaplin; and a Sid Chaplin commemorative plaque.


Consists of documents relating to the administration of Flambard Press. This includes correspondence relating to funding, literary events, and the closure of Flambard Press.

Results 1 to 10 of 93