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Bradshaw-Bewick Collection

  • Bradshaw-Berwick
  • Book Collection
  • 1760 - 1978

The Bradshaw-Bewick Collection contains works by and relating to the engraver Thomas Bewick (1753-1828). Bewick was born at Cherryburn, near Mickley, Northumberland and his early interest in drawing, under the tuition of the Reverend C. Gregson, was later developed when he was apprenticed under the Newcastle engraver, Ralph Beilby. He was to become a master craftsman.Bewick had a particular fascination with the natural world and this is reflected in works such as A general history of quadrupeds (1790) and History of British birds (1797). The collection is strong in Bewick's other main area of interest - morals and fables. His Select fables (1784) was immediately popular and ran into several editions but he worked on many small moral instruction books, such as Youth's instructive and entertaining story-teller (1778) and The looking-glass for the mind (1792).

Newcastle University

Local Illustrations

  • ILL
  • Archive Collection
  • 1700s - 1800s

The Local Illustrations date from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries and depict a variety of local scenes and structures, such as schools, hospitals, residences, castles and churches. There are views of Newcastle, Durham, Northumberland, Sunderland; portraits; depictions of local life (keelmen playing cards) and a plan of the Grainger Market, Newcastle.

Bainbrigg Library/Appleby Grammar School Collection

  • BAI
  • Book Collection
  • 1504 - 1830

This collection represents the historical portion of the Library of Appleby Grammar School in Cumbria (formerly in the old county of Westmorland) and has been deposited on indefinite loan. The nucleus of the collection was the personal library of an early headmaster of the school, Reginald Bainbrigg [1545-1612?].Books in this collection range in publication date from the Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century. The collection can be searched on the library's catalogue and there is also a printed catalogue by the late Edgar Hinchcliffe, formerly a master at the school, available from the Special Collections reading room.The collection contains predominantly classical, theological, literary and historical works, as well as a number of early sixteenth-century English bindings. There are many sixteenth-century editions of works by classical authors, such as Cicero, while other highlights include several works by the English philosopher and enlightenment thinker John Locke and a 1561 Basel imprint of Martin Luther's Quaestionum Sacrarum.

Bainbrigg, Reginald, 1544/5–1612/13, schoolmaster and antiquary

Bradshaw Collection

  • Bradshaw
  • Book Collection
  • 1477 - 1978

The Bradshaw Collection contains books published 1601-1700 and is notable for its English Revolution, or Civil War, tracts, of which there are about sixty mostly describing local events, such as The Taking of Gateshead Hill: and blocking up of Newcastle … (1644), A Terrible and bloudy fight at Tinmouth Castle on Fryday last … (1648) and The King's declaration at Newcastle concerning his refusall to come to the parliament of England … (1647). Some of these are illustrated, often with wood-cut portraits.Other subjects represented in the collection include theology and some literature. Classical works, in Latin and Greek, by such authors as Catullus, Pliny, Virgil and Juvenal; Aristophanes, Dionysius and Euripides make up a large portion of the collection. The collection also has volume I of Edmund Gibson's English translation of William Camden's Britannia (1695), the first (Latin) edition of which had been the first comprehensive study of Britain.

Newcastle University

Clarke (Edwin) General Archive

  • ECG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1970 - 1995 (approx)

Collected by Edwin Clarke (1919-1996), the Clarke General Collection is a run of cuttings, illustrations, manuscripts and historic documents which are organised into two sequences: a subject sequence and a biographical sequence.Subjects range from the weather, food and actors, to Victorian 'freakshow' acts whilst items in the biographical sequence include silk in red, white and blue with a note asserting them to be

Clarke, Edwin, 1919-1996, Neurologist and Medical Historian.

Layard (Austen Henry) Collection

  • Layard
  • Book Collection
  • 1686-1903

Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 1817-1894, Knight politician, diplomat and archaeologist

Joicey Coal Mining Archive

  • JJ
  • Archive Collection
  • 1848 - 1932

This is a small collection of material relating to the James Joicey (d. 1863) mining company, and its successor bodies, which operated several collieries in the West Durham coalfield including pits at Beamish and Tanfield. The material covers the period 1843-1929 and includes an invoice book, letter book, memoranda and copies of leases and plans, including a volume of copies of leases and plans of coal mines and cottages near or at Beamish.

Joicey, James d. 1863

Clarke (Edwin) Miscellaneous Collection

  • Clarke Misc.
  • Book Collection
  • 1655 - 1992

Bequeathed by Edwin Clarke (1919-1996), approximately half of the Clarke Miscellaneous Collection was published in the Twentieth Century but the collection contains material dating back to 1655. It is a collection with a strong bias towards the occult, ritual and folklore, with some rogue items relating to book history.

Examples include A laconic narrative on the life & death of James Wilson, known by the name of Daft Jamie (1881) - a victim of Burke and Hare -, F. Hutchinson's An historical essay concerning witchcraft (1718), The Yorkshire spiritual telegraph and British harmonial advocate (1857) and a book on exercise by H. Halsted called Motion-life: or the demon of the age and means of its exorcism (1856).

Clarke, Edwin, 1919-1996, Neurologist and Medical Historian.

Bell-White Collection

  • Bell-White
  • Book Collection
  • 1710 - 1851

The Bell-White Collection comprises printed and manuscript items which had been assembled by keen collectors John (1783-1864) and Thomas (1785-1860) Bell in the Nineteenth Century, some of which material had subsequently been purchased by fellow collector, Robert White (1802-1874). The collection focuses on local history and is a particularly good resource for local political history as it includes election addresses, squibs, broadsides and bills. Local poetry and songs are also represented.There is also a large collection of genealogical material relating to local families which contain documents relating to business concerns, deaths, events, honours, household matters, legal affairs, property, sales, social lives and occupations, as well as containing family pedigrees, illustrations and correspondence.

Bell, John, 1783-1864, Antiquary and Land Surveyor

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild Archive

  • NHG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1900 - 1947

The Northumberland Handicrafts Guild was formed at a meeting held on 9th June 1900 and its aim was to promote the study of handicrafts in the County of Northumberland. There was a particular emphasis on embroidery, woodwork, basket work, leather work and weaving. Prominent members of the committee include Thomas Edward Hodgkin, Richard George Hatton, Ella Pease and Miss Noble.

This archive comprises of the annual reports of the organisation 1900 - 1936, together with a small collection of other constitutional and committee records. The collection includes also accounting material for the period 1930 - 1947 and press cuttings related to the activities of the Guild. Part of the archive is dedicated to mementos and the embroidery work of Margaret Scott, a member of the Guild in the early 1900s.

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild

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