- BXB/1/1/GRG/4/1
- Item
- c. 2006
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of photocopies of previously published work compiled with an additional contents page which has been annotated by Neil Astley.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of photocopies of previously published work compiled with an additional contents page which has been annotated by Neil Astley.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of a printout of several poems - these are possibly new poems that haven't been used within the publication.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of the book "Western Swing" which has been annotated by Andrew Greig. There is a post-it note indicating "Author's" annotated copy showing revisions for reprinting in This Life, This Life".
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of a proof, which Andrew Grieg has removed pages that need corrections and annotated these - they are attached. There is correspondence between Neil Astley and Andrew Greig regarding the attached proof.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of a letter from Andrew Greig to Neil Astley regarding reprinting "This Life, This Life".
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of a page proof annotated in red ink by Jane Griffiths, focusing on corrections.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive
Consists of correspondence between Jane Griffiths and Neil Astley regarding the publication, this includes new poems, poems cut from the original printout, book contract, cover art and ordering.
Part of Bloodaxe Books Archive