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Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive Item
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Letter from Jacob Spon (1647-1685), physician and antiquary

Letter written at Lyon to an unnamed recipient. Acknowledges receipt of letter and describes the availability of a calendar in printed books. Spon requests a copy of a medal to be sent for M. Vaillant to see. Mentions a planned rejoinder to his book by M. la Guilletiere. The book to which he refers is 'Voyage d'Italie, de Grece et du Levant' (1678).

Letter from Bernhardus Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770), anatomist and related articles

Letter in French dated 19 Oct 1770 written at Leyden [Leiden] addressed to Dr. Nesbitt, Aldersgate Street, London. Requests a reply to an earlier letter in which he had acknowledged reciept of ""les microscopes."" He had also requested that Dr. Birch be asked to send the Epitome of Vesalius and to obtain for him a wig - a sample to be sent first, toegether with a note of prices. He asks for information on how to communicate to the Royal Society a paper he has prepared on the articulation of the lower jaw and wonders whether any new medical works have recently appeared. He mentions that Boerhaave's work on chemistry has just been published in Leyden - without the author's consent. Recipient is Robert Nesbitt (d.1761), physician. The Dr. Birch referred to is likely John Birch (1745-1815), surgeon. Photocopy of an article by Dr C J Van Der Klaauw from the zoological laboratory of the University, Leiden entitled 'A Letter of B. S. Albinus from Leiden to R. Nesbitt in London'. Photocopy of an article by W R Le Fanu, librarian at the Royal College of Surgeons, London entitled 'More Letters from B. S. Albinus to Robert Nesbitt'. Both articles published in English in Janus, volumes xxxv and xxxvi.

Letter from John Aikin (1747-1822), physician

"Letter written from Yarmouth to Joseph C. Walker Esquire of Eccles Street, Dublin. Letter acknowledges receipt of a sketch of Mr Howard and two short essays. Also references Aikin's acquisition of Howard's posthumous papers and the intention to publish them as a book. Also discusses Walker's writing on 'the heroic ages of Ireland' and the impact of the 'luxury of modern manners' on women. Recipient is likely Joseph Cooper Walker (1762-1810), antiquary, and the Mr Howard discussed refers to John Howard (1726-1790), prison reformer.

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