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World health
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File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for May to October 2008

Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;

Anti-Smoking Campaigns;

Medical Regulation and Revalidation;

Testing for Blood clots;


MMR Vaccination;

Global Health;

And Alcohol and Young People.

Global Health

Includes Sir Liam's Special Report Health is Global: Proposals for a UK Government-Wide Strategy and other material specifically related to global health initiatives.

File of copies of Media Coverage relating to Sir Liam's work as Chief Medical Officer for May to October 2007

Consists of printed copies of web and newspaper media articles and transcripts of interviews given by Sir Liam on specific health and health care topics and campaigns.

These include;

Global health;

Patient Safety;

Organ Donation;

Expert Patients and chronic disease management;

Physical Activity;

And alchol and binge drinking.