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Communicable diseases
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On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2005

Health issues covered in this report include;

Progress on previous years' recommendations;

The need to reduce variation in the provision of specific health services to deliver effective treatment equitably;

Parallels between aviation safety and patient safety;

Early recognition of warning signs to prevent kernicterus;

Protecting public health budgets to sustain the health service;

And preparing for the next flu pandemic.

Also included is a regional focus on some local problems, trends and initiatives across England.

Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on his Special Reports, Campaigns and other Areas of Work

Consists of 56 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding his Special Reports, campaigns and other areas of work. Topics include organ and tissue retention , Annual Reports, Expert Medical Witnesses in Family Law Cases, outbreaks of foot and mouth disease (Aphtae epizooticae), the MMR vaccine, pandemic influenza outbreaks (including the H1N1 'Swine Flu'), and stem cell research.

Audio recording of Sir Liam's appearance on BBC Radio 4 documentary Scarily Good Health

Analysis of health-scares propogated by the health care industry into people's lifestyle and eating habits, whether they have any basis to them and whether this detracts from more prevelant health issues, such as communicable diseases.

Sir Liam gives his expert medical opinion, arguing that while information overload does feed the public undertanding of risk, politicians and health professionals need to be more open where uncertainty exists. He also warns that some of the polluting effects of global warming have had a negative impact on the spread of communicable diseases.

On the State of the Public Health: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer 2002

Health issues covered in this report include;

Progress on 2001 recommendations;

The dangers of second-hand smoke (including recommendations on banning smoking in public places);

A study on West Nile virus including the risk of it spreading to England and need for surveillance and contingency plans;

Curbing England's obesity epidemic;

Patient safety in intrathecal chemotherapy treatment;

And tackling poor clinical practice by providing support and dealing more effectively with problem doctors.

Also included is a regional focus on some local problems, trends and initiatives across England.

Infectious/Communicable Disease Control

Includes Sir Liam's Special Reports Getting Ahead of the Curve: A Strategy for Combating Infectious Diseases (Including other Aspects of Health Protection) West Nile Virus: A Contingency Plan to Protect the Public’s Health, Stopping Tuberculosis in England: An Action Plan from the Chief Medical Officer , and Explaining Pandemic Flu: A Guide from the Chief Medical Officer.

Also includes other material specifically relating to communicable disease control.

Audio recording of Sir Liam's appearance on BBC Radio 4 programme Start the Week

Conisists of 30 minute panel discussion programme presented by Andrew Marr, featuring Sir Liam, novelist William Boyd, broadcaster John Micklethwait, and journalist Polly Toynbee. Each offers predictions for the coming years; Sir Liam's being the inevitably of another influenza pandemic. Discusses historical trends, the need for good planning to mitigate harm, public and political reactions to pandemics, and what the UK is doing to prepare.

Other health issues discussed include stem cell research, Sir Liam's perception of the strengths and weaknesses of the NHS and reforms during his time as Chief Medical Officer, and the 'Nanny State' in relation to healthy lifestyles.

Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on Health Protection against Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases and the Medical Profession

Consists of 66 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding both general and specific types of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases and topics regarding the Medical Profession; specifically Medical education, training and workforce, roles in the medical profession and poor clinical performance, revalidation and regulation.

Also includes presentations given by others which support Sir Liam's campaigns.

Letter to Sir Liam from Prime Minister Gordon Brown on his retirement from the role of Chief Medical Officer

The Prime Minister expresses his sadness at Sir Liam's decision to step down as Chief Medical Officer and pays tribute to his work on NHS Reform, quality of care, patient safety, personalised services, the smoking ban and organ donation. He also thanks him for remaining in post to help respond to the H1N1 Influenza Swine Flu epidemic.