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Chaplin (Michael) Archive
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Script amendments on pink paper for episodes 1,2 and 3
Script amendments on pink paper for episodes 1,2 and 3
Report entitled 'Reaction to Harvest Moon: Focus Group Presentation'
Report entitled 'Reaction to Harvest Moon: Focus Group Presentation'
Clean copy typescript for episode 1
Clean copy typescript for episode 1
Clean copy typescript for episode 2
Clean copy typescript for episode 2
Notes, outlines, proposals and editorial correspondence
Notes, outlines, proposals and editorial correspondence
Television proposal for 90 minute television film
Television proposal for 90 minute television film
Television proposal for 3 x 90 minute series
Television proposal for 3 x 90 minute series
Draft fax from Michael Chaplin to BBC Wales Drama concerning episode 3
Draft fax from Michael Chaplin to BBC Wales Drama concerning episode 3
Notes on scenario, storylines and character notes for series 2
Notes on scenario, storylines and character notes for series 2
Scene outline for episode 1
Scene outline for episode 1
Results 1 to 10 of 1104