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Local History
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Bell-White Collection

  • Bell-White
  • Book Collection
  • 1710 - 1851

The Bell-White Collection comprises printed and manuscript items which had been assembled by keen collectors John (1783-1864) and Thomas (1785-1860) Bell in the Nineteenth Century, some of which material had subsequently been purchased by fellow collector, Robert White (1802-1874). The collection focuses on local history and is a particularly good resource for local political history as it includes election addresses, squibs, broadsides and bills. Local poetry and songs are also represented.There is also a large collection of genealogical material relating to local families which contain documents relating to business concerns, deaths, events, honours, household matters, legal affairs, property, sales, social lives and occupations, as well as containing family pedigrees, illustrations and correspondence.

Bell, John, 1783-1864, Antiquary and Land Surveyor


  • Broadsides
  • Book Collection
  • 1800 - 1860 (approx)

19th Century printed ephemera, much of which originates from North East England.

Newcastle University

Burman-Alnwick Collection

  • Burman Alnwick
  • Book Collection
  • 1742 - 1917

The Burman-Alnwick Collection was brought together by Dr. C.C. Burman and presented to Alnwick U.D.C. by his son, Joseph Burman, to later be deposited in the Library on long-term loan.It consists of books, pamphlets, broadsides and other material printed in Alnwick 1700-1917 and is chiefly a local history collection, containing such items as An address to 'the four and twenty' of the borough of Alnwick: on certain improvements in the plan of education, pursued in the borough school [1839], The Alnwick Mercury, Northumberland Advertiser, and entertaining miscellany (1854-1859), The Journal of the Northumberland Agricultural Society (1850) and the Alnwick Mechanics' Institute's Annual Report [18--]. It is also something of a literary collection, containing Alnwick printings of well-known tales such as The babes in the wood [18--] and The ballad of Chevy Chase (1800) as well as children's literature and educational tools like The child's battledore [c.1830], works by James Beattie and Thomas Percy and various chapbooks and ballads. Published sermons and letters also appear.

Burman, C. C., dates unknown, historian

Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality (Tyneside CHE) Archive

  • CHE
  • Archive Collection
  • 1960 - 1999

Administration, correspondence, research and campaign materials produced by the Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality, and associated material relating to lesbian and gay politics from the 1970s to the 1990s, including newspaper cuttings, campaign material, leaflets, and magazines and journals.Administration, correspondence, research and campaign materials produced by the Tyneside Campaign for Homosexual Equality, and associated material relating to lesbian and gay politics from the 1970s to the 1990s, including newspaper cuttings, campaign material, leaflets, and magazines and journals.

The Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE)


  • Chapbooks
  • Book Collection
  • 1790 - 1885

White, Robert, 1802-1874, Antiquary.

Clarke (Edwin) Local Collection

  • Clarke
  • Book Collection
  • 1655 - 1993

Part of a bequest from Edwin Clarke (1919-1996), the Clarke Local Collection is more than a local history collection as it is quite strong in the literature of the region too: T. Wilson's The pitman's pay: and other poems (1843), Robert White's The Tynemouth nun: a poem (1829), Rhymes of Northern bards (1812) and more, as well as memoirs, sermons, topographical descriptions, guides and histories.

Although it comprises books published in the mid- to late-Twentieth Century, for the most part, it does contain a significant amount of more historic material, such as The papers which passed at New-castle betwixt his sacred Majestie and Mr Al. Henderson … (1649), R. Gardiner's Englands grievance discovered … (1655), A sentimental tour through Newcastle (1794), History of the water supply of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1851) and several nineteenth-century directories and poll books.

Clarke, Edwin, 1919-1996, Neurologist and Medical Historian.

Williams (Ethel) Archive

  • EWL
  • Archive Collection
  • 1781-1969

34 items. Includes letters from contemporaries of Williams, including letters sent in support of job applications. Also includes a number of photographs of Williams throughout her life, objects connected to the suffrage movement, and selected information about Williams collected after her death.

Williams, Ethel, 1863-1948, doctor and suffrage campaigner

Loebl (Herbert) Archive

  • HL
  • Archive Collection
  • 1939-2003

The collection consists of Herbert Loebl's business and personal records.

The business records contain group papers, sales and marketing files, finance files and general correspondence files for the following engineering and knowledge transfer enterprises with which Herbert Loebl was involved in his lifetime:

The collection also contains a number of annotated scrapbooks which trace the history of Loebl's engineering enterprises through photographs, newspaper cuttings and other ephemera.

Herbert Loebl's academic collection contains his early student notebooks from his degree studies in Electrical Engineering, and notes and source material for his subsequent doctoral thesis and Jewish history research. The collection also includes his certificates and various degree ceremony photographs.

Herbert Loebl received various awards during his lifetime and his personal collection includes photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and letters of congratulations regarding his many honours.

Loebl, Dr Herbert, 1923 - 2013, OBE, businessman, philanthropist

Local Illustrations

  • ILL
  • Archive Collection
  • 1700s - 1800s

The Local Illustrations date from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries and depict a variety of local scenes and structures, such as schools, hospitals, residences, castles and churches. There are views of Newcastle, Durham, Northumberland, Sunderland; portraits; depictions of local life (keelmen playing cards) and a plan of the Grainger Market, Newcastle.

Joicey Coal Mining Archive

  • JJ
  • Archive Collection
  • 1848 - 1932

This is a small collection of material relating to the James Joicey (d. 1863) mining company, and its successor bodies, which operated several collieries in the West Durham coalfield including pits at Beamish and Tanfield. The material covers the period 1843-1929 and includes an invoice book, letter book, memoranda and copies of leases and plans, including a volume of copies of leases and plans of coal mines and cottages near or at Beamish.

Joicey, James d. 1863

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