- TF.2.2.1.SB
- Subseries
- 1985-1990
Part of Farrell (Sir Terry) Archive
South Bank Arts Centre, South Bank, London. 1985-1990, with a Public exhibition in 1989.
In 1985 Terry Farrell & Partners was appointed to produce a master plan for the South Bank Arts Centre. At the time the South Bank had grown to become Europe's largest arts and entertainment centre, but essentially operated as a number of internalised spaces connected by an unsatisfactory system of upper-level walkways. The master plan took the Royal Festival Hall and National Theatre as its focal points, and provided new and replacement arts venues organised around a network of pedestrian routes at ground level, with parking and servicing arranged so as to free most of the site for pedestrians. The master plan suggested the involvement of different architects, artists, landscape designers and craftspeople to ensure architectural diversity. The addition of shops, restaurants and office space aimed to add the urban colour and activity which Sir Terry Farrell felt was lacking in the existing single-user complex. The plan also focussed on the improvement of waterside and public spaces as an asset to the South Bank.