English Electric: Descriptive Brochure
- BR/1/1
- Series
- c 1964
English Electric: Descriptive Brochure
Employment with English Electric Company
From 1957 until 1964 Professor Randell was employed in the Atomic Power Division of the English Electric Company Ltd, Whetstone, Leicester, including working on compilers for the ALGOL 60 language. For records relating to occasional consultancy to International Computers Limited (ICL), a successor to English Electric Computers, see BR/16
English Electric: Process for an Algol Translator
English Electric: Other Manuals and Reports
Manuals and reports presumed to have been used by Professor Randell when at English Electric.
Researcher at International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
From 1964 to 1969 Professor Randell worked for IBM at the T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, and later in California, working on computer architectures, and on operating systems and system design methodology. Some items dating from after 1969 but relating to series begun while Professor Randell was at IBM have been included here.