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Bloodaxe Books Archive Item
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Information sheet

Consists of a Bloodaxe Books information sheet introducing the author and the publication and a poem sampler.

Agenda for Poetry Readings at Newcastle University

Consists of the timetable of poetry readings and brief biographies of Ken Smith, Fleur Adcock, Ciaran Carson and Peter Dale. These events were organised by the Newcastle University Literary Society and the Cultural Affairs Committee, financially assisted by the National Poet Secretariat, referencing contacts as Neil Astley and Karen Openshaw.

Typescript proof of layout

Consists of annotated publishing information, acknowledgements and contents. The proof refers to "Tristan Crazy Measure" (BXB/1/1/SMK/1).


Consists of a proof which is annotated in red ink by Neil Astley regarding layout decisions; the front page of this is in typescript. Attached to this is a proof advice note from Unwin Brothers Limited and typescript poems with Neil Astley's annotations.


Consists of information relating to the reissue of the publication, including permission letters and photocopies of images used.


Consists of a typescript used as a setting copy, with layout and typographical instructions. This is held together with a piece of card.

Contents Page

Consists of a typed contents page where the pagination has been changed several times. There are also some notes about Fleur Adcock.

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