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Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive
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Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive
Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive
Personal notes - Abdominal trouble
Personal notes - Abdominal trouble
Personal notes - Rheumatism and Neuritis
Personal notes - Rheumatism and Neuritis
Personal notes - Genital Cancer
Personal notes - Genital Cancer
The Lithosian Society Annual Dinner Menu and ‘Toast’ List
The Lithosian Society Annual Dinner Menu and ‘Toast’ List
File of information on Pybus by John Potter
File of information on Pybus by John Potter
Notes on Gardening
Notes on Gardening
Typed copy of the Knights of Columbo Oath (similar to the Order of the Ancient Hiberians).
Typed copy of the Knights of Columbo Oath (similar to the Order of the Ancient Hiberians).
Invoice to Pybus from Thomas Mattheson & Son, Nursery & Seedsman
Invoice to Pybus from Thomas Mattheson & Son, Nursery & Seedsman
Invoice from Pybus, as Dr to C.J Dillon & CO. Ltd, Springfield Nurseries
Invoice from Pybus, as Dr to C.J Dillon & CO. Ltd, Springfield Nurseries
Results 1 to 10 of 1242