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Clinical Governance
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Copy of Chapter by Sir Liam entitled_ Quality in Healthcare: A Public Health Perspective from Progress in Public Health _

Consists of copy of Sir Liam's chapter, co-written with David Benton, entitled Quality in Healthcare: A Public Health Perspective, in which he discusses the need for intergrated strategies for quality improvement and impact from public health practioners being evaluated on overall population health.

Chapter featured on pages 227 to 250.

Copy of Chapter by Sir Liam entitled_ Clinical Governance: A Quality Concept from Clinical Governance in Primary Care _

Consists of copy of Sir Liam's chapter entitled Clinical Governance: A Quality Concept, in which he defines clinical governance, describes its origins, and emphasises the importance of organisational culture in the new primary care groups and trusts.

Chapter featured on pages 3 to 13. This book was the winner of the European Health Management Association's 2000 The Baxter Award and the winner of the BAMM Medical Management Book of the Year in 2000.

Letter to Sir Liam from Prime Minister Gordon Brown on his retirement from the role of Chief Medical Officer

The Prime Minister expresses his sadness at Sir Liam's decision to step down as Chief Medical Officer and pays tribute to his work on NHS Reform, quality of care, patient safety, personalised services, the smoking ban and organ donation. He also thanks him for remaining in post to help respond to the H1N1 Influenza Swine Flu epidemic.

Presentations delivered by Sir Liam on the National Health Service, other Healthcare Services and Patient Safety

Consists of 46 powerpoint presentations, including notes, used by Sir Liam during speeches and presentations given during his time as Chief Medical Officer regarding National Health Service and other Healthcare Service topics, specifically regarding quality and clinical governance, and Patient Safety.

Results 1 to 10 of 19