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Local History
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Trevelyan (Walter Calverley) Archive

  • WCT
  • Archive Collection
  • 1763 - 1951, bulk 1800 - 1879

The archive comprises mainly correspondence addressed to Sir Walter and his first wife Pauline Lady Trevelyan nee Paulina Jermyn. The letters reflect the couple's interests in natural history, botany, geology, antiquities, travel, temperance, phrenology, art and literature, and include examples from many well known contemporaries.

There is also material relating to the history of the Trevelyan family, accumulated during Walter and Charles Edward Trevelyan's preparation of 'The Trevelyan Papers' for publication.

The archive also features diaries and journals, sketchbooks, notes for speeches and scrapbooks. There is material relating to the North East of England, including proposed railways, Tyne crossings at Hexham and decoration of the Great Hall at Wallington.

Trevelyan, Lady Pauline, 1816-1866, nee Jermyn

White (Robert) Collection

  • W
  • Book Collection
  • 1601 - 1966

The White Collection, named after Robert White (1802-1874) was presented to King's College (now Newcastle University) by his great nephew George White Pickering. It is a rich source of literature as well as being strong in ecclesiastical and local history such as James Raine's writings on local history and antiquities.

There are works by John Dryden, William Hazlitt, Thomas Hood, James Thomson, Robert Burns, Mark Akenside, Thomas Chatterton, John Gay, H.W. Longfellow, Matthew Prior, John Keats, John Milton, James Hogg, John Clare, Edgar Allan Poe, George Herbert, William Cowper, Thomas Gray and the poems of Ossian as well as several works by S.T. Coleridge, including Aids to reflection (1848), Biographia literaria (1817), Confessions of an inquiring spirit (1849) and The friend (1850). Alongside the work of these distinguished authors sit English and Scottish ballads, garlands and chapbooks including some which were printed in Newcastle.

White, Robert, 1802-1874, Antiquary.

Hair (Thomas) Illustrations

  • THP
  • Archive Collection
  • 1828 - 1860

This collection of illustrations by local artist Thomas Hair (c.1810-1875) depicts the mining industry and the coal trade in the North East in the nineteenth century. The illustrations are based on Hair's watercolours on the same topic. The illustrations in the collection highlight numerous aspects of the region's mining heritage, including collieries, machinery, and river trade scenes. Many of the illustrations also show the everyday workings of the industry and those involved in it.

Hair, Thomas Harrison, 1810-1875, Artist.

Hodgkin (Thomas) (Historian) Archive

  • TH
  • Archive Collection
  • 1849 - 1935

The personal archive of Thomas Hodgkin (b.1831 - d.1913), barrister and later a partner in the banking house 'Hodgkin, Barnett, Pease and Spence', Newcastle upon Tyne. Hodgkin also devoted much time to historical studies, specialising particularly in the history of the early middle ages, and published a number of historical texts during his lifetime. Much of the Hodgkin family papers are held in the Welcome Library in London. The archive held within Newcastle University Special Collections is the personal archive of Thomas Hodgkin and comprises of notes and draft editions relating to his historical research; travel journals, photographs and slides; diaries; a small number of letters; and other published and unpublished material relating to his historical research.

Hodgkin, Thomas, 1831-1913, historian

Baker Brown (Thomas) Archive

  • TBB
  • Archive Collection
  • c. 20th century

Consists of: Correspondence of the Brown family during World War I. Photographs taken in France and England both during and after the war. Includes photographs of buildings damaged by bombing, memorials and graves, and reunion events after World War I. Maps covering areas of France, Germany and Austria, some of which show the position of trenches in World War I. Memorabilia relating to World War I including newspaper clippings, posters and documents. Publications including journals and comics published during World War I, as well as historical and creative works relating to, and published after, World War I.

Baker Brown, Thomas, b 1896, soldier

Burns Dick (Robert) Archive

  • RBD
  • Archive Collection
  • 1886 - 1996

This collection comprises copied, and some original, photographs, papers and documents relating to the architect Robert Burns Dick (1868-1954) who had substantial influence in the north-east of England, particularly in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne.

The collection includes photographs of personal documents relating to land conveyance and partnerships with Cackett and Mackellar; architectural drawings and photographs of 'Millmount' and 'the Wedge', both designed by Burns Dick; and newspaper articles and other cuttings relating to him and his work. There is also material relating to an exhibition on Burns Dick held by the northern region of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1984.

Dick, Robert Burns, 1868 - 1954, architect, city planner and artist

Newcastle University Archives

  • NUA
  • Archive Collection
  • 1833 - 2009

Newcastle University evolved from two colleges founded in the Nineteenth Century as part of the University of Durham, the School of Medicine and Surgery (established in 1834) and Durham College of Science (established in 1871, became Armstrong College in 1904). In 1937, the Newcastle Colleges became King's College and achieved independence from the University of Durham in 1963 when it became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.The University Archive contains significant material relating to the development of Newcastle University and its predecessors. It includes Annual Reports, Senate and Council minutes and departmental publications covering many subjects.

Newcastle University

Hospital Archives of Newcastle Royal Infirmary (RVI)

  • NRI
  • Archive Collection
  • 1786 - 1998

The Hospital Archives are an administrative collection containing statutes and rules, catalogues of medical libraries, early annual reports from the Newcastle Infirmary (founded in 1751) and of the Royal Victoria Infirmary (opened 1906), eighteenth and early nineteenth century reports relating to the Newcastle Dispensary (founded in 1777) and nineteenth century minutes from the meetings of local medical societies.

Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild Archive

  • NHG
  • Archive Collection
  • 1900 - 1947

The Northumberland Handicrafts Guild was formed at a meeting held on 9th June 1900 and its aim was to promote the study of handicrafts in the County of Northumberland. There was a particular emphasis on embroidery, woodwork, basket work, leather work and weaving. Prominent members of the committee include Thomas Edward Hodgkin, Richard George Hatton, Ella Pease and Miss Noble.

This archive comprises of the annual reports of the organisation 1900 - 1936, together with a small collection of other constitutional and committee records. The collection includes also accounting material for the period 1930 - 1947 and press cuttings related to the activities of the Guild. Part of the archive is dedicated to mementos and the embroidery work of Margaret Scott, a member of the Guild in the early 1900s.

Northumberland Handicrafts Guild


  • MAPS
  • Archive Collection
  • 19th Century - 20th Century.

There are over 150 maps in Special Collections. In the main, they are pre-twentieth century and cover areas in north-eastern England.

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