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Mediaeval Manuscripts

  • MS
  • Archive Collection
  • 13th Century - 15th Century

The Mediaeval Manuscripts number just nine but include Petrus Lombardus' Sententi

17th Century Collection

  • 17th C. Coll
  • Book Collection
  • 1600 - 1699

The 17th Century Collection is a small but expanding collection of books printed 1600-1699. The books it contains are a good reflection of this period as a time of rebellions, intrigues and conspiracies; hierarchical power; and strong religious views. Sermons and speeches were commonly printed.

Newcastle University


  • PI
  • Book Collection
  • 1502 - 1701

The Post-incunabula collection does not strictly comply with the prescribed date range which often defines 'post-incunabula' but does contain English and foreign books printed 1501-1640. It includes works by John Stow, John Speed, Torquato Tasso and William Tynedale, as well as Robert Burton's The anatomy of melancholy, 4th ed. (1632), Holinshed's Chronicles (1587), Reginald Scot's The discouerie of witchcraft (1584), Palladio's architectural work I qvattro libri dell'architettvra (1581), Edmund Spenser's The faerie queene (1590-96) and Thomas Heywood's The hierarchie of the blessed angells (1635).

Newcastle University Library


  • Inc.
  • Book Collection
  • 1488 - 1701

This small collection comprises books which were produced in the infancy of the art of printing, and specifically before 1500. The collection includes such works as the Epistolae of St. Jerome, printed in Palma in 1480, Opus de peste, a tract on plague printed in Bologna in 1478, and the first printed book on architecture, Alberti's De Re Aedificatoria (1485).

Newcastle University

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