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Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive
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Commemorative binder with list of conservation benefactors

Embossed ringbinder with list of contributors (groups, businesses and individuals) towards conservation works undertaken on items within the Pybus collection of rare books. Note, the embossed title suggests the binder also contains a list of words conserved, however this was not present at the point of cataloguing.

File of information on Pybus by John Potter

Papers accumulated and created by John Potter, a former colleague of Pybus' at the Royal Victoria Infirmary. Included is a paper on Pybus' career written in his 90th year, photocopies of documents created by Pybus (predominantly lecture notes on cancer), photocopies of obituary notices for Pybus and a typescript obituary by F. W. Ratcliffe.

Letters to and from press and television

Letters to and from the press and television regarding Pybus’ cancer research. This includes comments on other researchers’ work, letters to editors, approaches to write articles, rejection of articles (usually due to space). There is a section on rare books linked to the BBC. The file contains Pybus’ articles and full reports. Pybus has included a list from 1955 – 1964 regarding the press and “Cancer and Atmospheric Pollution”. Press cuttings are also included. 1962 - 1965 – Daily Mail 1955 – Daily Chronicle (Newcastle) includes newspaper clippings regarding the atmospheric smell 1957 - 1970 – British Broadcasting Corporation (rare books and atmospheric pollution) 1971 – The Ecologist 1965 - 1967 – Readers Digest 1962 – The Guardian 1956 - 1957 – The Sunday Times 1962 – The Daily Express 1960 - 1968 – Tyne Tees Television Limited 1958 – Wilfred Kerr (Press Association) 1966 – The Daily Telegraph 1962 – The Northern Echo 1961 – Whitley Seaside Chronicle and Guardian 1970 – The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post 1956 - Lancet Reprint (Causes of Cancer) 1954 – Nature 1967 – Health for All 1975 – Newcastle Journal 1962 – The Times 1971 – New Scientist

Pybus (Professor Frederick) Archive

  • FP
  • Archive Collection
  • 1850 - 1975

Consists of the professional and personal papers of Professor Frederick Charles Pybus. This also includes papers regarding his rare books and manuscripts collection.

Pybus, Charles Frederick, 1882 - 1975, surgeon

Results 1 to 10 of 1242