Indenture of Nicholas Charlton as an apprentice barber and periwig maker
Indenture of Nicholas Charlton as an apprentice barber and periwig maker
Letter from John Hunter (1728-1793), surgeon and anatomist
Letter from John Hunter (1728-1793), surgeon and anatomist
Letters from Sir Everard Home (1756-1832), surgeon
Letters from Sir Everard Home (1756-1832), surgeon
Letters from Michael Faraday (1791-1867), natural philosopher and scientific advisor
Letters from Michael Faraday (1791-1867), natural philosopher and scientific advisor
Documents created by Neil Arnott (1788-1874), physician
Documents created by Neil Arnott (1788-1874), physician
Letters from Sir Astley Paston Cooper (1768-1841), surgeon
Letters from Sir Astley Paston Cooper (1768-1841), surgeon
Two letters from Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician
Two letters from Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician
Two letters from Benjamin Travers (1783-1858), surgeon
Two letters from Benjamin Travers (1783-1858), surgeon
Letter from Baron Felix Hippolyte Larrey (1808-1895), military doctor and politician
Letter from Baron Felix Hippolyte Larrey (1808-1895), military doctor and politician
Letter from Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke (1782-1857), accoucher (male midwife)
Letter from Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke (1782-1857), accoucher (male midwife)