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Book Collection
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17th Century Collection

  • 17th C. Coll
  • Book Collection
  • 1600 - 1699

The 17th Century Collection is a small but expanding collection of books printed 1600-1699. The books it contains are a good reflection of this period as a time of rebellions, intrigues and conspiracies; hierarchical power; and strong religious views. Sermons and speeches were commonly printed.

Newcastle University


  • Inc.
  • Book Collection
  • 1488 - 1701

This small collection comprises books which were produced in the infancy of the art of printing, and specifically before 1500. The collection includes such works as the Epistolae of St. Jerome, printed in Palma in 1480, Opus de peste, a tract on plague printed in Bologna in 1478, and the first printed book on architecture, Alberti's De Re Aedificatoria (1485).

Newcastle University


  • PI
  • Book Collection
  • 1502 - 1701

The Post-incunabula collection does not strictly comply with the prescribed date range which often defines 'post-incunabula' but does contain English and foreign books printed 1501-1640. It includes works by John Stow, John Speed, Torquato Tasso and William Tynedale, as well as Robert Burton's The anatomy of melancholy, 4th ed. (1632), Holinshed's Chronicles (1587), Reginald Scot's The discouerie of witchcraft (1584), Palladio's architectural work I qvattro libri dell'architettvra (1581), Edmund Spenser's The faerie queene (1590-96) and Thomas Heywood's The hierarchie of the blessed angells (1635).

Newcastle University Library

18th Century Collection

  • 18th C. Coll
  • Book Collection
  • 1700 - 1799

The 18th Century Collection contains approximately 4000 volumes printed 1700-1799. The collection covers a variety of subjects including aspects of the penal system, education and the constitution. Highlights include the famous treatise by the English philosopher and enlightenment thinker John Locke, Some thoughts concerning education ( 1772) in which Locke applies his theories of the self and the mind to approaches to education and The state of the prisons in England and Wales: with preliminary observations and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals (1784) by the English philanthropist and prison reformer John Howard, detailing his findings after visiting several hundred prisons across England, Scotland and Wales, in a series of reports, maps and plans.

Newcastle University

Bainbrigg Library/Appleby Grammar School Collection

  • BAI
  • Book Collection
  • 1504 - 1830

This collection represents the historical portion of the Library of Appleby Grammar School in Cumbria (formerly in the old county of Westmorland) and has been deposited on indefinite loan. The nucleus of the collection was the personal library of an early headmaster of the school, Reginald Bainbrigg [1545-1612?].Books in this collection range in publication date from the Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century. The collection can be searched on the library's catalogue and there is also a printed catalogue by the late Edgar Hinchcliffe, formerly a master at the school, available from the Special Collections reading room.The collection contains predominantly classical, theological, literary and historical works, as well as a number of early sixteenth-century English bindings. There are many sixteenth-century editions of works by classical authors, such as Cicero, while other highlights include several works by the English philosopher and enlightenment thinker John Locke and a 1561 Basel imprint of Martin Luther's Quaestionum Sacrarum.

Bainbrigg, Reginald, 1544/5–1612/13, schoolmaster and antiquary

Vernon (Hugh) Collection

  • Vernon Hugh Coll.
  • Book Collection
  • Late 18th Century - Early 19th Century

This is a small collection comprising 26 volumes of printed music and books about music, dating from the Eighteenth and early-Nineteenth Centuries, from the library of the late Hugh Vernon (d. 1975), including An account of the musical performances in Westminster-Abbey, and the Pantheon: May 26th, 27th, 29th; and June the 3d, and 5th, 1784. In commemoration of Handel by Charles Burney (1785) and the undated The Cuckoo: A Pastoral Ballad set by Mr Arne, Sung at Vauxhall by Mrs Weichsel [Mrs Frederika Weichsel is recorded as having performed at Vauxhall Gardens, London, and was reportedly a pupil of J.S. Bach].

Kepier Grammar School Collection

  • K
  • Book Collection
  • 1602 - 1840

Kepier Grammar School was opened by Queen Elizabeth I in 1574 and closed in 1933. The books from its library consist mainly of seventeenth and eighteenth-century works on classics and theology. As well as the classical authors (Euclid, Homer, Cicero, Tacitus, Plutarch, Xenophon et al.), many of the stock authors of the Eighteenth Century are represented: David Hume, Tobias Smollett, Joseph Addison, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, George Lyttleton, Jonathan Swift, Matthew Prior, Alexander Pope and (from the Seventeenth Century) John Locke. Several volumes bear the bookplate of Thomas Griffith, whilst one of the school's governors, Ralph Robinson, presented sixty six volumes to the school in 1742. Valerius Maximus' Cum commento Oliuerii Arzignanensis Vicentini (1500) contains the inscriptions of several former pupils with the dictum: “when you see this remember me“.

Kepier Grammar School

Bell-White Collection

  • Bell-White
  • Book Collection
  • 1710 - 1851

The Bell-White Collection comprises printed and manuscript items which had been assembled by keen collectors John (1783-1864) and Thomas (1785-1860) Bell in the Nineteenth Century, some of which material had subsequently been purchased by fellow collector, Robert White (1802-1874). The collection focuses on local history and is a particularly good resource for local political history as it includes election addresses, squibs, broadsides and bills. Local poetry and songs are also represented.There is also a large collection of genealogical material relating to local families which contain documents relating to business concerns, deaths, events, honours, household matters, legal affairs, property, sales, social lives and occupations, as well as containing family pedigrees, illustrations and correspondence.

Bell, John, 1783-1864, Antiquary and Land Surveyor

Sandes Library

  • Sandes
  • Book Collection
  • 1489 - 1854

The Sandes Library is the library of Kendal Grammar School and is made up of books which were originally given to the Blue Coat School and Hospital in Kendal by their founder Thomas Sandes (1606-1681), a local cloth merchant and former mayor of Kendal. The Blue Coat School was amalgamated with the Kendal Grammar School in 1887, and the library was eventually deposited with Newcastle University Library in the 1960s.

As with the other school libraries in our collections, the Sandes Library is a valuable example of the kind of material which might have been found in a school library of the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries.

Kendal Grammar School

Robinson (Marjorie and Philip) Collection

  • Robinson
  • Book Collection
  • 1470 - 1858

The Robinson Collection comprises incunabula, medieval manuscripts and books so the material ranges from a fourteenth-century gradual to items published in the Nineteenth Century. The collection was bequeathed by Marjorie Robinson (d. 1998), widow of antiquarian bookseller, Philip Robinson. It includes early editions of works by Dante, Boccaccio and Tasso; rare pamphlets by Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift; and is a good resource for travel literature.

Highlights include an original Gutenberg Bible leaf [1400]; a book of hours which is printed on vellum, in a brown cloth binding with blue velvet spine and metal centerpiece, corner-pieces and ornamental clasp; presentation copies of Alexander Pope's works as well as books which he formerly owned and A letter from South Carolina, 2nd ed. (1718) which provides first-hand information on the pioneer settlement of that state.

Robinson, Philip, d.1989, bookseller

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