- THS 21
- Subfonds
- 1932-1934
Part of Thomas Sharp papers
Notebook of Press cutting with the different reviews published of this book:
Passages from reviews and notices of the book: "Town and Countryside" and "The Future Development of South-West Lancashire"
Oxford University Press publicity leaflet for the book: Town and Countryside.
News Chronicle review, dated 18.11.32
The Observer review, dated 18.12.32.
Weekend review by John Dower, dated 10.12.32.
Times Literacy Supplement review, dated 15.12.32.
Morning Post review, 30.11.32.
The Times review, 16.12.32
Estate gazette review, 24.12.32.
The Star (London), dated 29.12.32.
Great Thoughts review, March 1933.
Leletworth Citizen, dated 30. 12. 32.
Country Life review, 31.12.32.
Broadcast, 2.1.33.
The Listener, 11.01.33.
CPRE. Journal, Dec. 1932.
Commons and Footpaths Society, January 1933.
The New English Weekly review, 12.01.33.
Welwyn Times, 05.01.33.
Southport Visitor, 18.02.33.
Manchester Evening Chronicle, 16.01.33.
National Trust Bulletin, Feb. 1933.
Dundee Evening Telegraph, 18.02.33.
Sunday Times, 12.02.33.
Town Planning Institute Journal, Dec.'32 and Feb.'33
Town and Country Planning Journal, Feb.'33.
Journal of Institution of A. and Country Engineers, 14.02.33.
RIBA Journal, 11.02.33.
Western Marl, 2.2.33.
Manchester Guardian, 6.3.33.
Architect and B. News, 19.02.33.
Middlesex Advertiser, Country Gazette, 10.07.36.
The New Statesman, 11.03.33.
Architects' Journal, 1933-1934
Land Agents Record, May 13.05.33.
Town Planning Review, May 1933.
The Nation (American), March 15, 33.
Sharp, Thomas, 1901 - 1978, town planner