World Health Organization Certificate of Appreciation
World Health Organization Certificate of Appreciation
World Health Organisation Patient safety tools and resources
World Health Organisation Patient safety tools and resources
World Alliance for Patient Safety: Forward Programme 2005
World Alliance for Patient Safety: Forward Programme 2005
Winning Ways: Working Together to Reduce Healthcare Associated Infection in England
Winning Ways: Working Together to Reduce Healthcare Associated Infection in England
WHO Correspondence
WHO Correspondence
What are the Implications of Medical Practice Variation for Healthcare Policy?
What are the Implications of Medical Practice Variation for Healthcare Policy?
West Nile Virus: A Contingency Plan to Protect the Public’s Health
West Nile Virus: A Contingency Plan to Protect the Public’s Health
Web Metrics Report on the Chief Medical Officer's Website usage for 2005
Web Metrics Report on the Chief Medical Officer's Website usage for 2005
Video recording promoting the Newcastle NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Video recording promoting the Newcastle NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Video Recording of the Chief Medical Office's Summit into Organ and Tissue Retention(Edited)
Video Recording of the Chief Medical Office's Summit into Organ and Tissue Retention(Edited)