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Receipt for Pavli Zacchiae medici Romani Qvaestiones medico-legales : in quibus eae materiae medicae, quae ad legales facultates videntur pertinere, proponuntur, pertractantur, resolvuntur ... Paolo Zacchia 1584-1659. 1651 Ed. 3., corr., auct. .... (view in library catalogue) and Nikandrou Thēriaka ... = Nicandri Theriaca : ejusdem Alexipharmaca : interpretatio innominati autoris in Theriaca : commentarii diversorum autorum in Alexipharmaca. Nicander, of Colophon. Johann Lonitzer 1499-1569 1530 (view in libary catalogue)


Receipt for The breviarie of health : wherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases the which may be in man or woman : expressing the obscure termes of Greeke, Araby, Latin, Barbary, and English, concerning phisick and chirurgerie ... : now newly corrected and amended ... Andrew Boorde 1490?-1549. Charles Lilburn former owner.; Wililam H. Bennett former owner. 1598 (view in library catalogue)


"Receipt for Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis Thomas Sydenham 1624-1689 (1693) - possible library catalogue entries."


Receipt for Andreae Caesalpini ... Quaestionum peripateticarum lib. V ... : Daemonum investigatio peripatetica ... Secunda editio. Quaestionum medicarum libri II. De medicament. facultatibus lib. II. ... Nunc primum editi. Andrea Cesalpino 1524 or 5-1603. Herbert Jones 19th cent., former owner. 1593 (view in library catalogue)

De aure humana tractatus : in quo integra ejusdem auris fabrica, multis novis inventis, & iconismis illustrata, desoribitur Antonio Maria Valsalva 1666-1723. 1704 (view in library catalogue)

and Hunter (several catalogue entries).


"Receipt for The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body Matthew Baillie [several library catalogue entries], Pettigrew Biographical, [transactions of a ?]."


Receipt for Micrographia, or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses with observations and inquiries thereupon Robert Hooke 1635-1703. 1665 (view in library catalogue)

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