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Receipt and letter

Letter regarding the restoration of a portrait of Dr John Hunter painted on a panel, the original one is in the Royal College of Surgeons and this is a copy by Reynolds. With this is a receipt for £25.


"Receipt for Mellificium chirurgiae, or, The marrow of chirurgery : an anatomical treatise 1685 (view in library catalogue) , and three unknown texts."


Receipt for 6 items, including "the anatomy of the human gravid uterus exhibited in figure" (view in library catalogue)

item related to Gonorrhea

"Clinical lectures on stricture of the urethra and enlargement of the prostate" (view in library catalogue)

"The pathology and treatment of diseases of the ovaries" (view in library catalogue)

"A text book of physiology" (view in library catalogue)


Receipt for item "Medical commentaries. Part I : containing a plain and direct answer to Professor Monro, jun., interspersed with remarks on the structure, functions, and diseases of several parts of the human body" Hunter, two versions on the catalogue.


Receipt for items "Traité ou reflexions tirées de la pratique sur les playes d'armes à feu"" 1737 (view in library catalogue)

Levret, art des accouch, 1761 (view in library catalogue)

Sydenham, opuscula 1683

"Exercitationes de generatione animalium : Quibus accedunt quaedam de partu: de membranis ac humoribus uteri: & de conceptione"" Harvey 1666 (view in library catalogue)

Mauruceay, traite 1668 (view in library catalogue)

"Osservazioni di Francesco Redi ... : intorno agli animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventi."" Redi (view in library catalogue)

Francisci Deleboe, Sylvii Opera medica : tam hactenus inedita, quàm variis locis & formis edita : nunc verò certo ordine disposita, & in unum volumen redacta. François de le Boë Sylvius 1614-1672. 1679, (view in library catalogue)

Traité des maladies de l'œil et des remedes propres pour leur guerison : enrichi d'experiences de physique Antoine Maître-Jan b. 1650. 1707 ( (view in library catalogue)

Joannis Mariae Lancisii ... De motu cordis et aneurysmatibus opus posthumum : in duas partes divisum ... Giovanni Maria Lancisi 1654-1720. 1728 ( (view in library catalogue)

Traité complet des accouchemens naturels, non naturels, et contre nature : expliqué dans un grand nombre d'observations & de réfléxions sur l'art d'accoucher Guillaume Mauquest de La Motte 1655-1737. 1721 ( (view in library catalogue)

De febribus opus sane aureum ... : in quo trium sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt : nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini ... Gaspare Bindoni fl. 1561-1589 1576 [colophon 1575] (view in library catalogue)

Tabulae anatomicae ... Bartolomeo Eustachi d. 1574. Giovanni Maria Lancisi 1654-1720. 1714 (view in library catalogue)

Hippocrates, Oeconomia 1662

Sull' ernie memorie anatomico-chirurgiche Antonia Scarpa 1752-1832. 1819 ed. 2.. ( (view in library catalogue)

De humani corporis fabrica ... Andreas Vesalius 1514-1564. colophon 1555 ( (view in library catalogue)

Vasorum lymphaticorum corporis humani historia et ichnographia Paolo Mascagni 1752-1815. 1787 (view in library catalogue)

Results 8761 to 8770 of 37997