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Reference File: Reports Published by External Organisations

A collection of reports published by external organisations. This collection is assumed to have been accumulated by Lady Plowden to inform her work with the IBA - the collection was found with Lady Plowden's IBA files and deal with related issues.

Living Today, 1972, BBC Local Radio Education

Patterns of Discrimination Against Women in the Film and Television Industries, 1975, Association of Cinematography and Television Technician

Trends in Public Attitudes Toward Television and Other Mass Media, 1975, The Roper Organization

Text of the speech 'Keep the media free, 18 December 1975, Council Dinner of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising

Schools in England and Wales, Current Issues, 1976, Department of Education and Science / Welsh Education Office

Association of Broadcasting Staff Newsletter, 1977, Association of Broadcasting Staff

Report of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting, March 1977, HM Government, Secretary of State for the Home Department

Views on Some Aspects of the Annan Report on Broadcasting "A Fourth Channel"?, April 1977, Ulster Television Ltd

Summry of the paper 'Television Violence and the Adolescent Boy', 6 September 1977, William Belson, North East London Plytechnic

Report of the Seminar 'Television and the Classroom', 1978, Library of Congress

Higher Education into the 1990s: A Discussion Document, February 1978, Department of Education and Science / Scottish Education Department

Publication of the Lecture 'On Disliking the Media', Sir Michael Swan, Chairman of the BBC, University of Salford, 7 November 1978., 7 November 1978, BBC

A Cause for Concern: Media Coverage of Industrial Disputes January and February 1979, 1979, TUC

Journal of Educational Television, Vol 5, Issue 2, Summer 1979., 1979, Educational Television Association

Conference Paper 'The Education of Adults at a Distance', Open University Conference, Paper undated, but this Conference was held in 1979, Open University

Government and Opposition Vol 14 No 2, 1979, Government and Opposition / London School of Economics and Political Science

Public perceptions of television and other mass media: a twenty year review 1959 - 1978, 1979, Roper Organisation

Home Office News Release: Independent Broadcasting Authority - Membership, 13 July 1979, HM Government, Home Office

Questions Answered in the House of Commons, 25 July 1979, 25 July 1979, Library of the House of Commons

Broadcast, 10 September 1979., 10 September 1979., Broadcast

Broadcast, 17 November 1979., 17 November 1979, Broadcast

Journal of Educational Television and Other Media, Vol 6, Issue 2, Summer 1980, 1980, Educational Television Association

Women's Studies International Quarterly, Vol 3, Issue 1, 1980, 'Women and the Media', 1980, Women's Studies

Signposts - A Study of Youth Employment and the Relevance of the Broadcasting Services with Particular Reference to Northern Ireland. Queen's University Belfast, on behalf of the IBA Fellowship Scheme., 1980, Department of Educational Studies, Queen's University Belfast

Village Action Kit, related to the television programme 'Village Action' produced by Westward Television Ltd, 1st broadcast 13 October 1980., 1980, Westward Television Ltd

Draft Proposals for an Engineering Policy Unit, 29281, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aston

Microprocessors and Their Impact, presented at the Women in Management Conference 1980, March 1980, Women in Management

Broadcast, Issue 1058, 19 May 1980, 19 May 1980, Broadcast

Social Action and the Media, published by the Media Project, November 1980, November 1980, The Volunteer Centre

Directory of Social Action Programmes, published by the Media Project, November 1980, November 1980, The Volunteer Centre

Promotional publication relating to the broadcast of the series 'Brideshead Revisited', assumed to be 1981, Granada Television

Direct Broadcasting by Satellite, Report of a Home Office Study', 1981., 1981, HM Governement, Home Office

Broadcast, Issue 1089, 5 January 1981, 5 January 1981, Broadcast

Southern and Television Today (5 February 1981), 5 February 1981, Southern Television

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with the IBA, Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

Reference File: Reports published by external organisations

During her life, Lady Plowden held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: . Subjects included are as follows: children families education adult education further education higher education pre-school education primary education secondary education education; skills training education; disability education; teacher training educational television broadcasting elderly people elderly care employment employment; education and training employment; vocational training employment; youth training euthanasia family planning Gypsy, Romany and Traveller rights Gypsy, Romany and Traveller education marriage guidance resettlement of offenders society; community television broadcasting television broadcasting; censorship television broadcasting; female employment television broadcasting; women voluntary sector women

Reference File: Reports Published by External Organisations

Priority Area Development: Preparation for Parenthood, 1972, author unknown

The First Year at School: Policy and Practice, approx 1987, author unknown

Holiday Playscheme Provision - in the Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover Districts, 1975, Chesterfield Task Force

The Future of Holiday Playschemes - in the Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover Districts, 1976, Chesterfield Task Force

The Organisation and Running of a Holiday Playscheme: Some Suggestions, 1976, Chesterfield Task Force

Educational Provision for the Under Fives, 1988, Education, Science and Arts Committee, House of Commons

Pre-school Groups for Parents and Children, 1987, Hampshire Education Committee

A Survey of Information Resources for Parents in England, 1979, Beverley Morris, University of Nottingham

Television for Pre-school Children, publication date unknown, Mary Waddington

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with the PPA, Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

Reference File: Reports published by external organisations

A collection of reports published by external organisations. This collection is assumed to have been accumulated by Lady Plowden to inform her work with NIACE - the collection was found with Lady Plowden's NIACE files and deal with related issues.

The Education of Prisoners in HM Prison, Preston, approximately 1972 - 1973, HM Prison, Preston

A Chance to Choose, approximately 1972 - 1974, Inner London Education Authority

Joseph Payne Memorial Lecture: Higher Education and the Polytechnics, 1973, Toby Weaver

Teachers College Record, Vol 74, No 4, 1973, Columbia University

London Educational Review, Vol 2, No 1, 1973, University of London Institute of Education

Careers Opportunities for Women and Girls, 1975, Inner London Education Authority

Transcript of the Speech of the Rt Hon James Callaghan MP, at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony, Ruskin College, Oxford, 1976, James Callaghan

The Delinquent Way of Life (Chapter IX), 1977, DJ West and DP Farrington

Social Work Service, No 14, 1977, Social work Service

Adjustment to Industry for less-able school leavers, 1977, National Elfrida Rathbone Society

Newsletter of the Washington International School, 1977, Washington International School

I want to work…but what about the kids?, 1978, Equal Opportunities Commission

At last...An Elementary Reader in Adult Literacy, approximately 1979 - 1985, Arial Books

The Roots of Delinquency (Chapter 11), 1979, Michael Wadsworth

The Union Mood and the 1978/80 Pay Round, 1979, Opinion Research and Communication

Social Work Service, no 23, 1980, Social work Service

Literacy, Numeracy and the Young Trainee, 1981, Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit

The Development of Curricula in the Teaching of Foreign Languages to Adults, 1981, Lancashire College for Adult Education

National Conference of the Education Alliance: A Future for Education and Work, 1981, Education Alliance

New Opportunities to Learn, 1982, Accrington and Rossendale College

Open College: Newsletter of the Open College Federation of the North West, Summer 1982, 1982, Open College Federation of the North West

WEA News: Journal of the Workers Educational Association, Autumn 1982, 1982, Workers Educational Association

Leisure Times (a publication of the Lancashire Education Committee), 1982, Lancashire Education Committee

LEAP (Lancashire Education Arts Panel), Summer 1982, 1982, Lancashire Education Committee

Education for Capability, 1983, Royal Society of Arts

Pre Retirement Association News, No 6, October 1984, 1984, Pre Retirement Association, University of Surrey

Education and Training for Young People, 1985, HM Government

Employment, The Challenge for the Nation, 1985, HM Government, Department of Employment

New / Information Technology and Adult Education, 1985, European Bureau of Adult Education

Code of Practice for the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sex and marriage and the promotion of equality of opportunity in employment, 1985, Equal Opportunities Commission

Review of Vocational Qualifications in England and Wales, 1986, Manpower Services Commission

The Open College, 1988, The Open College

Parliamentary Debates: Official Report, Vol 531, No 123, 15 July 1991, 1991, House of Lords

Citizenship, Adult Learning and Old Age, 1992, Education Resources for Older People

Sidcot School Prospectus, 1993, Sidcot School

Journal of Educational Television, Vol 19, No 3, 1993, Educational Television Association

This Quarter: The Business Magazine of De Montfort University, Iss 1, Spring 1994, 1994, De Montfort University

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with NIACE, Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

Reference File: Reports Published by External Organisations

A collection of reports published by external organisations. This collection is assumed to have been accumulated by Lady Plowden to inform her work with the Council - the collection was found with Lady Plowden's Council files and deal with related issues.

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with the Council , Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

Reference File: Reports published by external organisations

A collection of reports published by external organisations. This collection is assumed to have been accumulated by Lady Plowden to inform her work with Manpower - the collection was found with Lady Plowden's Manpower files and deal with related issues.

Racial Discrimination: A Guide to the Race Relations Act 1976, 1976, HM Government, Home Office

Voluntary Social Services, Manpower Resources, 1976, Personal Social Services Council

Rathbone News, 1977, National Elfrida Rathbone Society

Changing the Focus of Women and FE, 1985, Further Education Unit

The National Council for Vocational Qualifications: Its Purposes and Aims, 1985, National Council for Vocational Qualifications

Industry Year 1986, 1986, Royal Society of Arts

South West Replan Project, 1986, A Roddy

Exploring the Educational Needs of Unwaged Adults, 1987, National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)

North Staffordshire Polytechnic Prospectus, 1989, North Staffordshire Polytechnic

City and Guilds of London Institute, Report and Accounts 1990-91, 1991, City and Guilds of London Institute

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with Manpower, Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

Results 8601 to 8610 of 37997