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Research File: Reports Published by External Organisations

A collection of reports published by external organisations. This collection is assumed to have been accumulated by Lady Plowden to inform her work with ACERT - the collection was found with Lady Plowden's ACERT files and deal with related issues.

Race Today (Vol 3 No 6 June 1971 Issue), 1971, Institute of Race Relations

Spare Rib (Issue 5 Nov 1972), 1972, Spare Rib

till doomsday in the afternoon? York Gypsy Education Project, 1972, York Gypsy Support Group

Provision for Gypsy Education, 1973, West Midlands Education Authorities

Roadside Families, 1973, Penny Vinson

The Education of Gypsy Children, 1973, Lady Plowden, National Gypsy Education Council

West Midlands Travellers School Annual Report 1974, 1974, West Midlands Travellers School

The UNESCO Courier, No 10, 1974, 1974, United Nations

The Education of Gypsies and Children who lead Nomadic Lives (Short Course N301), 1975, Department of Education and Science

Gypsy Education, A Question of Responsibility, 1975, Gypsy and Travellers' Education Council

The Romany Guild Looks at the Caravan Sites Act Eight Years On, 1975, Romany Guild

Gypsies in the West Midlands, 1975, West Midlands Education Authorities

Mobile Unit for Roadside Families: Report on Summer Term 1976, 1976, Hertfordshire County Council

Gypsy Education in the West Midlands, 1976, West Midlands Education Authorities

The National Gypsy Council: Report 1976/7, 1977, The National Gypsy Council

The Education of Travellers Children, 1977, Centre for Information and advice on educational disadvantage

Special Educational Needs: Somerset Mobile Families Education Service, 1978, Somerset Mobile Families Education Service

The Education of Gypsy, Fairground and Circus Children and Others Leading Nomadic Lives (Short Course N233), 1978, Department of Education and Science

1978 Summer Survey of Travelling Families in Leeds, 1978, Leeds Education Authority

1979 Winter Survey of Travelling Families in Leeds, 1979, Leeds Education Authority

A Kushti Lav Good News For You, 1979, Bible Society

Roma, 1980, The Minority Rights Group

The Education of Gypsy, Fairground and Circus Children and Others Leading Nomadic Lives (Short Course N639), 1980, Department of Education and Science

The National Gypsy Council: Welsh Report 1980, 1980, The National Gypsy Council

The National Gypsy Council: Report 1981 , 1981, The National Gypsy Council

Traveller Education: The Journal of Gypsy Education Today, No 16 1981, 1981, National Gypsy Education Council

Travellers in Hertfordshire, 1981, East Anglia Region Consultative Group on the Education of Traveller Children

The Education and Welfare of Gypsy, Fairground and Circus Children (Short Course N27), 1982, Department of Education and Science

Swings and Roundabouts: The Education of Travelling Fairground Children, 1982, University of Sheffield (Division of Education)

Sheffield Gypsy Support Group newsletter April 1982, 1982, Sheffield Gypsy Support Group

Annual Report of the 'Write here' Adult Literacy Drop-in Centre (Sheffield), 1982, Adult Literacy Drop-in Centre

Traveller Education: The Journal of Gypsy Education Today, No 17 1982, 1982, National Gypsy Education Council

Association of Teachers of the Travelling People: Newsletter No 31 Sept 1984, 1984, Association of Teachers of the Travelling People

Traveller Education: The Journal of Gypsy Education Today, No 19 1984, 1984, National Gypsy Education Council

Benefits for Travellers, 1985 (approx), Wolverhampton Social Services

School-based Education for the Children of Gypsies, Showmen and Other Travellers, 1985, Broomfield County Education Centre Broomfield

Books for Keeps (No 39 1986), 1986, School Bookshop Council

Traveller Education - Post Chester Proposals, 1986, Department of Education and Science

Are there Travellers at your school?, 1988 (approx), Wiltshire County Council Education Department

Planning and Providing Education for Travellers including Gypsy, Fairground, Circus and Other Traveller Children (Short Course A227), 1988, Department of Education and Science

Sites for Travellers: A study in Five London Boroughs, 1988, Institute of Education, University of London

Education Provision: Fairground and Circus Children in the UK, 1989, NATT

Traveller Education: The Journal of Gypsy Education Today, No 24 1989, 1989, National Gypsy Education Council

The Travellers School Charitable Trust Annual Report 1989 -1990, 1990, The Travellers School Charitable Trust

Interface: Gypsies and Travellers Education Training Youth, 1991, Centre de recherches tsiganes

Here to Stay: A Story of Travellers in Southwark, 1992, Southwark Travellers Action Group

The Education of Gypsy and Traveller Children (Advert), 1992, Hatfield Polytechnic

Moving Stories: Traveller Women Write, 1992, Southwark Traveller Women's Group

Education Newsletter, 1992, Council of Europe

Safe Childbirth for Travellers: campaign information, 1992, Safe Childbirth for Travellers

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with ACERT, Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

Research File: Reports Published by External Organisations

A collection of reports published by external organisations. This collection is assumed to have been accumulated by Lady Plowden to inform her work with VOLCUF - the collection was found with Lady Plowden's VOLCUF files and deal with related issues.

Australian Pre-school Quarterly, Feb 1970, 1970, Australian Pre-school Quarterly

National Campaign for Nursery Education: Newsletter, 1972, National Campaign for Nursery Education

The Role of the Volunteer in the Modern Social Service, 1973, RHS Crossman

Nursery Schooling, 1973, Education

Voluntary Growth, 1974, Mike Thomas

Portage, approx 1975 - 1985, National Portage Association

MUFFAN: Magazine about Under Fives For Adults in Nurseries, 1975, South Glamorgan Social Services

Under Fives and Community Relations (6 issues), 1975 - 1977, Community Relations Commission

Social Work Service, No 17, Oct 1978, 1978, Social work Service

Using TV with Young Children, approx 1981 - 1983, National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare

Local Democracy and the Voluntary Sector, 1984, Local Government Campaign Unit

SCEA Bulletin, Autumn 1988, 1988, Service Children's Education Authority

Play Matters, Summer 1994, 1994, National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries

Note, although these publications relate specifically to Lady Plowden’s work with VOLCUF, Lady Plowden also held an extensive library of reports and publications which covered the range of her personal and professional interests. A complete list of reports and publications held by Lady Plowden can be viewed at: INSERT LINK

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